"changed": true,
"cmd": "source /etc/profile ~/.bashrc ; sh bin/linkis-cli -submitUser hadoop -engineType shell-1 -codeType shell -code \"whoami\"",
"delta": "0:00:18.531338",
"end": "2022-12-22 13:13:24.272918",
"msg": "non-zero return code",
"rc": 255,
"start": "2022-12-22 13:13:05.741580",
"stderr": "",
"stderr_lines": [ ],
"stdout": "=====Java Start Command=====
exec /usr/local/java/bin/java -server -Xms32m -Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -XX:ErrorFile=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/ps_err_pid%p.log -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -classpath /home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-computation-governance/linkis-client/linkis-cli/:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-commons/public-module/:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib: -Dconf.root=/home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli -Dconf.file=linkis-cli.properties -Dlog.path=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -Dlog.file=linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965 org.apache.linkis.cli.application.LinkisClientApplication '-submitUser hadoop -engineType shell-1 -codeType shell -code whoami'
[INFO] LogFile path: /home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965
[INFO] User does not provide usr-configuration file. Will use default config
[INFO] user does not specify proxy-user, will use current submit-user \"hadoop\" by default.
[INFO] connecting to linkis gateway:
[INFO] Job is successfully submitted!
2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Program is substituting variables for you
2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Variables substitution ended successfully
2022-12-22 13:13:13.013 WARN The code you submit will not be limited by the limit
Job with jobId : 1 and execID : LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 submitted
2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO You have submitted a new job, script code (after variable substitution) is
2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is accepted, jobID is LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 and jobReqId is 1 in ServiceInstance(linkis-cg-entrance, dss-service:9104). Please wait it to be scheduled
job is scheduled.
2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Scheduled. Please wait it to run.
Your job is being scheduled by orchestrator.
2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO job is running.
2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Running now. Please wait it to complete.
2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Job with jobGroupId : 1 and subJobId : 1 was submitted to Orchestrator.
2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Background is starting a new engine for you,execId TaskID_1_otJobId_astJob_0_codeExec_0 mark id is mark_0, it may take several seconds, please wait
2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 ERROR Job with execId-LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 + subJobId : 1 execute failed,21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-entrance
2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO job is completed.
2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Task creation time(任务创建时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:10, Task scheduling time(任务调度时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:14, Task start time(任务开始时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:15, Mission end time(任务结束时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:18
2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Your mission(您的任务) 1 The total time spent is(总耗时时间为): 7.7 s
2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Sorry. Your job completed with a status Failed. You can view logs for the reason.
[INFO] Job status is not success but 'FAILED'. Will not try to retrieve any Result
[INFO] Job failed! Will not try get execute result.
ExecId: exec_id018016linkis-cg-entrancedss-service:9104LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0
Current job status:FAILED
errDesc: 21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-e
[INFO] JobStatus is not 'success'. Will not retrieve result-set.
############Execute Error!!!########",
"stdout_lines": [
"=====Java Start Command=====",
"exec /usr/local/java/bin/java -server -Xms32m -Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -XX:ErrorFile=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/ps_err_pid%p.log -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -classpath /home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-computation-governance/linkis-client/linkis-cli/:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-commons/public-module/:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib: -Dconf.root=/home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli -Dconf.file=linkis-cli.properties -Dlog.path=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -Dlog.file=linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965 org.apache.linkis.cli.application.LinkisClientApplication '-submitUser hadoop -engineType shell-1 -codeType shell -code whoami'",
"[INFO] LogFile path: /home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965",
"[INFO] User does not provide usr-configuration file. Will use default config",
"[INFO] user does not specify proxy-user, will use current submit-user \"hadoop\" by default.",
"[INFO] connecting to linkis gateway:",
"[INFO] Job is successfully submitted!",
"2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Program is substituting variables for you",
"2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Variables substitution ended successfully",
"2022-12-22 13:13:13.013 WARN The code you submit will not be limited by the limit",
"Job with jobId : 1 and execID : LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 submitted ",
"2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO You have submitted a new job, script code (after variable substitution) is",
"****SCRIPT CODE****",
"****SCRIPT CODE****",
"2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is accepted, jobID is LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 and jobReqId is 1 in ServiceInstance(linkis-cg-entrance, dss-service:9104). Please wait it to be scheduled",
"job is scheduled.",
"2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Scheduled. Please wait it to run.",
"Your job is being scheduled by orchestrator.",
"2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO job is running.",
"2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Running now. Please wait it to complete.",
"2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Job with jobGroupId : 1 and subJobId : 1 was submitted to Orchestrator.",
"2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Background is starting a new engine for you,execId TaskID_1_otJobId_astJob_0_codeExec_0 mark id is mark_0, it may take several seconds, please wait",
"2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 ERROR Job with execId-LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 + subJobId : 1 execute failed,21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-entrance ",
" ",
"2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO job is completed.",
"2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Task creation time(任务创建时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:10, Task scheduling time(任务调度时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:14, Task start time(任务开始时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:15, Mission end time(任务结束时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:18",
"2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Your mission(您的任务) 1 The total time spent is(总耗时时间为): 7.7 s",
"2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Sorry. Your job completed with a status Failed. You can view logs for the reason.",
"[INFO] Job status is not success but 'FAILED'. Will not try to retrieve any Result",
"[INFO] Job failed! Will not try get execute result.",
"ExecId: exec_id018016linkis-cg-entrancedss-service:9104LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0",
"Current job status:FAILED",
"extraMsg: ",
"errDesc: 21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-e",
"[INFO] JobStatus is not 'success'. Will not retrieve result-set.",
"############Execute Error!!!########"
{ "changed": true, "cmd": "source /etc/profile ~/.bashrc ; sh bin/linkis-cli -submitUser hadoop -engineType shell-1 -codeType shell -code \"whoami\"", "delta": "0:00:18.531338", "end": "2022-12-22 13:13:24.272918", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 255, "start": "2022-12-22 13:13:05.741580", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [ ], "stdout": "=====Java Start Command===== exec /usr/local/java/bin/java -server -Xms32m -Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -XX:ErrorFile=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/ps_err_pid%p.log -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -classpath /home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-computation-governance/linkis-client/linkis-cli/:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-commons/public-module/:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib: -Dconf.root=/home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli -Dconf.file=linkis-cli.properties -Dlog.path=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -Dlog.file=linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965 org.apache.linkis.cli.application.LinkisClientApplication '-submitUser hadoop -engineType shell-1 -codeType shell -code whoami' [INFO] LogFile path: /home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965 [INFO] User does not provide usr-configuration file. Will use default config [INFO] user does not specify proxy-user, will use current submit-user \"hadoop\" by default. [INFO] connecting to linkis gateway: JobId:1 TaskId:1 ExecId:exec_id018016linkis-cg-entrancedss-service:9104LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 [INFO] Job is successfully submitted!
2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Program is substituting variables for you 2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Variables substitution ended successfully 2022-12-22 13:13:13.013 WARN The code you submit will not be limited by the limit Job with jobId : 1 and execID : LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 submitted 2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO You have submitted a new job, script code (after variable substitution) is ****SCRIPT CODE**** whoami ****SCRIPT CODE**** 2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is accepted, jobID is LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 and jobReqId is 1 in ServiceInstance(linkis-cg-entrance, dss-service:9104). Please wait it to be scheduled job is scheduled. 2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Scheduled. Please wait it to run. Your job is being scheduled by orchestrator. 2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO job is running. 2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Running now. Please wait it to complete. 2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Job with jobGroupId : 1 and subJobId : 1 was submitted to Orchestrator. 2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Background is starting a new engine for you,execId TaskID_1_otJobId_astJob_0_codeExec_0 mark id is mark_0, it may take several seconds, please wait 2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 ERROR Job with execId-LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 + subJobId : 1 execute failed,21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-entrance
2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO job is completed. 2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Task creation time(任务创建时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:10, Task scheduling time(任务调度时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:14, Task start time(任务开始时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:15, Mission end time(任务结束时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:18 2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Your mission(您的任务) 1 The total time spent is(总耗时时间为): 7.7 s 2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Sorry. Your job completed with a status Failed. You can view logs for the reason.
[INFO] Job status is not success but 'FAILED'. Will not try to retrieve any Result [INFO] Job failed! Will not try get execute result. ============Result:================ TaskId:1 ExecId: exec_id018016linkis-cg-entrancedss-service:9104LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 User:hadoop Current job status:FAILED extraMsg: errDesc: 21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-e
[INFO] JobStatus is not 'success'. Will not retrieve result-set. ############Execute Error!!!########", "stdout_lines": [ "=====Java Start Command=====", "exec /usr/local/java/bin/java -server -Xms32m -Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -XX:ErrorFile=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/ps_err_pid%p.log -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -classpath /home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-computation-governance/linkis-client/linkis-cli/:/home/hadoop/linkis/lib/linkis-commons/public-module/:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib:.:/usr/local/java/lib/dt.jar:/usr/local/java/lib/tools.jar:/usr/local/java/jre/lib: -Dconf.root=/home/hadoop/linkis/conf/linkis-cli -Dconf.file=linkis-cli.properties -Dlog.path=/home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli -Dlog.file=linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965 org.apache.linkis.cli.application.LinkisClientApplication '-submitUser hadoop -engineType shell-1 -codeType shell -code whoami'", "[INFO] LogFile path: /home/hadoop/linkis/logs/linkis-cli/linkis-client.hadoop.log.20221222131305804059965", "[INFO] User does not provide usr-configuration file. Will use default config", "[INFO] user does not specify proxy-user, will use current submit-user \"hadoop\" by default.", "[INFO] connecting to linkis gateway:", "JobId:1", "TaskId:1", "ExecId:exec_id018016linkis-cg-entrancedss-service:9104LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0", "[INFO] Job is successfully submitted!", "", "2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Program is substituting variables for you", "2022-12-22 13:13:11.013 INFO Variables substitution ended successfully", "2022-12-22 13:13:13.013 WARN The code you submit will not be limited by the limit", "Job with jobId : 1 and execID : LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 submitted ", "2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO You have submitted a new job, script code (after variable substitution) is", "****SCRIPT CODE****", "whoami", "****SCRIPT CODE****", "2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is accepted, jobID is LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 and jobReqId is 1 in ServiceInstance(linkis-cg-entrance, dss-service:9104). Please wait it to be scheduled", "job is scheduled.", "2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Scheduled. Please wait it to run.", "Your job is being scheduled by orchestrator.", "2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO job is running.", "2022-12-22 13:13:14.013 INFO Your job is Running now. Please wait it to complete.", "2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Job with jobGroupId : 1 and subJobId : 1 was submitted to Orchestrator.", "2022-12-22 13:13:15.013 INFO Background is starting a new engine for you,execId TaskID_1_otJobId_astJob_0_codeExec_0 mark id is mark_0, it may take several seconds, please wait", "2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 ERROR Job with execId-LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0 + subJobId : 1 execute failed,21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-entrance ", " ", "2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO job is completed.", "2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Task creation time(任务创建时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:10, Task scheduling time(任务调度时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:14, Task start time(任务开始时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:15, Mission end time(任务结束时间): 2022-12-22 13:13:18", "2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Your mission(您的任务) 1 The total time spent is(总耗时时间为): 7.7 s", "2022-12-22 13:13:18.013 INFO Sorry. Your job completed with a status Failed. You can view logs for the reason.", "", "[INFO] Job status is not success but 'FAILED'. Will not try to retrieve any Result", "[INFO] Job failed! Will not try get execute result.", "============Result:================", "TaskId:1", "ExecId: exec_id018016linkis-cg-entrancedss-service:9104LINKISCLI_hadoop_shell_0", "User:hadoop", "Current job status:FAILED", "extraMsg: ", "errDesc: 21304, Task is Failed,errorMsg: errCode: 12003 ,desc: dss-service:9101_0 Failed to async get EngineNode ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: linkis-cg-engineplugin ,ip: dss-service ,port: 9104 ,serviceKind: linkis-cg-e", "", "[INFO] JobStatus is not 'success'. Will not retrieve result-set.", "############Execute Error!!!########" ] }