wuch15 / IJCAI2019-NAML

The codes of Neural News Recommendation with Attentive Multi-view Learning
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Ask about the approach #8

Open KienPM opened 4 years ago

KienPM commented 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing this great repository! Can you share me the reason why you consider article body as a long sequence instead of sentences. If I want to encode each sentence then use sentences represent vector to encode article body, is it possible?

wuch15 commented 4 years ago

Of course, you can use other architectures such as HAN to process the news body, and the performance is usually slightly better. But it usually requires a larger GPU memory/smaller batch size.

KienPM commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I've tried to encode each sentence then encode article body on 2080Ti GPU. I can only train with batch size = 1 and it took 25s/step, maybe something went wrong. What does HAN stand for? Can you please share me a reference. Thank you very much!

KienPM commented 4 years ago

HAN stands for Hierarchical Attention Network, right?

wuch15 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, HAN means Hierarchical Attention Network (Yang et al., 2016). You can replace the LSTM with CNN to boost the training speed.

wuch15 commented 4 years ago


KienPM commented 4 years ago

Yeup, thank you! I've read some of your papers, they are awesome

wuch15 commented 4 years ago

In addition, it is highly recommended that you can use a smaller sentence length or fewer sentences. Although I believe that using the full news body is beneficial, it takes a large amount of GPU memory and the improvement is usually marginal.

KienPM commented 4 years ago

Yeah, thanks for your recommendation