wuch15 / Reviews-Meet-Graphs

Source codes for the paper "Reviews Meet Graphs: Enhancing User and Item Representations for Recommendation with Hierarchical Attentive Graph Neural Network"
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Cannot reproduce your results #1

Open JacksonWuxs opened 2 years ago

JacksonWuxs commented 2 years ago

Hi @wuch15,

Thank you for kindly providing the code of the paper "Reviews Meet Graphs: Enhancing User and Item Representations for Recommendation with Hierarchical Attentive Graph Neural Network". We believe it is a fascinating view to model reviews for recommenders.

However, we faced some challenges in reproducing your results with the Notebook you provided in this repo. Although we have successfully rebuilt the environment that satisfied your requirement and solved some simple bugs, we still cannot run through the whole Notebook. Our revised notebook is accessible at here.

Would you provide more details about your implements or update your latest code on this repo?

Thanks, Xuansheng May 28th, 2022

wuch15 commented 2 years ago

Hi @wuch15,

Thank you for kindly providing the code of the paper "Reviews Meet Graphs: Enhancing User and Item Representations for Recommendation with Hierarchical Attentive Graph Neural Network". We believe it is a fascinating view to model reviews for recommenders.

However, we faced some challenges in reproducing your results with the Notebook you provided in this repo. Although we have successfully rebuilt the environment that satisfied your requirement and solved some simple bugs, we still cannot run through the whole Notebook. Our revised notebook is accessible at here.

Would you provide more details about your implements or update your latest code on this repo?

Thanks, Xuansheng May 28th, 2022

Hi, I quickly skimmed the error message in your code book. It seems that the index of some embeddings exceed the size of embedding tables. You can check whether it is indeed brought by this problem.

JacksonWuxs commented 2 years ago

Hi @wuch15 ,

Thanks to your quickly response.

We understand it should be a simple index exceeding issue, but we cannot follow up the reason why it raises this issue. Would you have a look to point out which parameter/data we might give in wrong? Or maybe simpler, could you update a new script that can simply go through?

Thanks, Xuansheng