Closed peterdell closed 1 year ago
E474: "I use WUDSN on Linux, but use it with atari800, which binds F8 to starting the Monitor (=debugger, not display unit). So using F8 might be a bit confusing if you're cycling between WUDSN and atari800. F11 is bound to the window manager (KDE) maximize window, so I'm not even sure it would be available for use with WUDSN. Shift-F11 and Shift-F12 seem to be free in both atari800 and KDE, but I have no idea about any other platform's use of those keys. "
PPS: komischerweise nutze ich diese Funktionstasten zum Assemblieren eher garnicht - vielleicht wegen der 3 Tasten, da geht es mit der Maus schneller. Daher ist mir das noch nicht aufgefallen. Ein F8 und shift-F8 erscheint mir sinnvoll.
Patjomki: Ja, habe auf meinen PCs mehrere (menschliche) Sprachen installiert, somit funktioniert Shift-Control-0 unter WUDSN nicht. In der Vergangenheit habe ich das jedesmal, wenn ich WUDSN auf einem neuen PC eingerichtet habe, umgeändert, aber zuletzt war ich zu faul und nutze jetzt die Maus. Welche Taste es wird, ist mir letzlich egal, ich würde mich aber freuen, wenn es auf dem Mac und PC gleich/sehr ähnlich wird.
dukdukgoos: I was affected by this (I imagine everyone on Windows with an extra keyboard installed would be) I remapped to Ctrl-Shift-8 and -9 (just moved everything down one key to avoid 0) What I did worked fine if you want to keep it pretty close to how it was before. I'd be fine with the F11/Ctrl-F11 as it's Eclipse standard too
Bindings have been changed to Ctrl-Shift-8/9 instead. Also the wording has been adapted to "Language" and "Build" instead of the specific "Assembler/Assemble/Compiler/Compile" to have a uniform wording for all languages.
The default key binding for "Compiler/Compile" is Ctrl+Shift+9 and for "Compiler/Compile and Run" it is Ctrl-Shift-0. They come from a time when I was used to my Amiga 500 keyboard. In recent Windows versions this binding was reported to not work because of conflicts with native Windows functions.
Phaeron reported similar issues in the context of Altirra "This is likely due to an annoying default in Windows where Ctrl+Shift+0 is by default bound to a key to switch between input languages. It appears that on Windows 10, this can cause the emulator to only receive the character event without the key down event, resulting in a regular 0 getting typed instead. You can see this with the HOSTKEYS logging channel enabled. The offending setting is in Settings > Devices > Typing > Advanced Keyboard Settings > Input Language Hot Keys on Windows 10, or the Text Services and Input Languages control panel in earlier versions"
One proposal was use the standard Eclipse key binding instead which is:
Other standards:
Requests for feedback: