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Bugs fixed before version 1.7.2 #17

Closed peterdell closed 1 year ago

peterdell commented 1 year ago

The issue contains the documentation of all bugs fixed before the development was moved to GitHub.

◦1.6.4 ◾Automatic creation of ".DSK" disk images for Apple II works correctly. ◾The dirty indicator in Graphics Editor is now updated correctly.

◦1.6.4 ◾The toolbar icons now work correctly with newer Eclipse versions. ◾Atari 8-bit Graphics 12 Converter works again. ◾The graphics editor now correctly closes the input stream for image files. ◾Empty selection and too large numbers no longer lead to exceptions when opening the context menu for "Convert...". ◾Pressing refresh in the graphics converter now always updates the image pane correctly, not only if the size has changed. ◾Inline repeats like ":64" in MADS are no longer detected as labels. ◾Hex Editor now correctly detects erroneous COM files if the segment length exceeds the file length (by one). ◾Disk images (for Apple II) are now updated if only "Build" instead of "Build and Run" is used. ◾Apple Commander integration is now part of the installation, as it should have been with 1.6.3. ◾The HELLO program generated for the auto-start disk images of Apple II now displays a title and uses "BLOAD/CALL" instead of "BRUN" because of this bug in Apple DOS. 10 PRINT "Loading " : PRINT CHR$(4);"BRUN WORLD" : CALL <address></p> <p>◦1.6.3 ◾The first character of numbers is now correctly highlighted in "#123". ◾Source files included via "INCSRC" are now correctly detected for ASM6.</p> <p>◦1.6.2 ◾Typing a "." to trigger the automatic content assistance no longer locks up. ◾The default color for illegal opcodes changed to red as it was intended. ◾German localization for the graphics editor is finally completed. ◾The sorting of applications in the preferences now is "Default, A...Z, User Defined" in non-English localizations.</p> <p>◦1.6.1 ◾Clicking in the outline always positions the cursor correctly in the source, not only the first time. ◾All names of content types are now translated correctly in the preferences. ◾The "Open Folder" command now works for objects that can be adapted to resources or files - for example, project explorer entries for Java classes.</p> <p>◦1.6.0 ◾Hyperlink navigation now works for labels containing an underscore. ◾The key binding for the "Compile" menu is now "Shift-Ctrl-9" because it turned out that "Ctrl-0" is not available in all cases. ◾The HexEditor also detects that the first block of a COM file is incorrect and displays this correctly. ◾Content assistance now correctly inserts new lines when inserting "#IF", "#WHILE", or ".TEST". ◾Fonts and color resources are disposed of correctly now. ◾Resetting to default syntax colors in the preferences works now. ◾Elements of ".ENUM" definitions are also recognized as equates if they do not start at position 0. ◾Elements of ".STRUCT" definitions are also recognized as labels if they do not start at position 0. ◾The cursor is now positioned to the first character of an equate or label if it is not defined starting at position 0. ◾The cursor is now positioned to the first character of an equate or label if it is not defined starting at position 0.</p> <ul> <li>◦1.5.0 </li> </ul> <p>◾Syntax highlighting remains active now also after "Save as...". ◾The cursor is now placed correctly by content assistance. ◾The key binding for the "Compile" menu is now "Ctrl-0" instead of "Ctrl-Alt-0", so entering "}" is now possible again. ◾XASM editor now correctly detects the "ORG" directive. ◾The assembler editor toolbar contribution now also displays the label "Assembler" in the customizing dialog for the perspective.</p> <p>◦1.4.4 ◾The ".LOCAL" in ATASM does not start a folding section, while in MADS, it is a folding section from ".LOCAL" to ".ENDL". ◾"SIN()" and "RND()" in MADS are now recognized correctly, even if there are no spaces before or after the directive. ◾".EN" and ."END" in MADS are now recognized correctly. ◾Labels in "ORG" lines are now recognized correctly and rendered as separate tree entries. ◾Preferences for lower-case/upper-case instructions in content assistance are now evaluated for directives that do not start with letters like ".end". ◾When opening a file from outside the workspace, the actions to open folders and compile the file do nothing and will not cause exceptions. They will also be disabled once the new Eclipse version is mandatory. ◾A space now separates the 16 bytes per row in the hex editor.</p> <p>◦1.4.3 ◾The output file is not opened anymore in case it has been there before but was not updated by the compiler due to errors. ◾The editor's scroll bar and cursor are now stable when the latest user input changes the outline. ◾The hex editor gets the focus correctly when clicking on already-opened files.</p> <p>◦1.4.2 ◾The folder containing the output and symbols files is refreshed automatically after compiling to ensure that the Eclipse resource cache is in sync with the file system. ◾Line end comments are now used as a description for source and binary include nodes in the content outline. ◾The "Open Folder" context menu entry works again. This fixes a bug introduced in version 1.4.0.</p> <p>◦1.4.0 ◾The "Assembler" menu is only visible if an Assembler editor is active. The contained entries and shortcuts are now disabled if no Assembler editor is active. ◾The output file is not deleted before the compiler is started. Instead, it is only checked for being writeable. This allows for direct compilation into an existing ATR image. ◾The application name used to open the output file is now included in the info message.</p> <p>◦1.3.2 ◾The content outline sometimes only finds the first macro definition. ◾Folding did not show up in all situations. ◾Under macOS, the file select dialog can now choose an "*.app" folder because apps like "Atari800MacX.app" are folders. The solution is a workaround to the general Eclipse problem under macOS. See <a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=82155">BUG 82155.</a></p> <p>◦Before 1.3.2 ◾The "OK" and "Apply" buttons in the preferences are now always enabled, irrespective of the specified compiler and emulator paths. ◾The focus is not back in the editor window after compiling. ◾The syntax highlighting of illegal opcodes fixed now also uses the preferences setting. ◾The properties for the correct locale are now found on German operating systems.</p> </div> </div> <div class="page-bar-simple"> </div> <div class="footer"> <ul class="body"> <li>© <script> document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) </script> Githubissues.</li> <li>Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.</li> </ul> </div> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.5.1/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/githubissues/assets/js.js"></script> <script src="/githubissues/assets/markdown.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.4.0/build/highlight.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.4.0/build/languages/go.min.js"></script> <script> hljs.highlightAll(); </script> </body> </html>