wufan-tb / yolo_slowfast

Yolov5+SlowFast: Realtime Action Detection Based on PytorchVideo
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the issue on the windows #1

Closed xiaomengxin123 closed 2 years ago

xiaomengxin123 commented 2 years ago

it doesn't work properly on windows, just like this image and for many peoples in a classroom, it doesn't work. just like this image so I want to the site of its application scenarios

ghost commented 2 years ago

rm应该是linux的命令 还是别用windows了吧。。

wufan-tb commented 2 years ago

rm是linux的命令,但是windows运行后,手动把产生的中间文件夹删掉也可以。 至于第二个问题,理论上人只要能检测出来都可识别行为,这个图片可能属于人没有检测到或者置信度低了。

xiaomengxin123 commented 2 years ago

windows 我用 rd /s/q 解决 了那个目录生成的问题,后来发现yolo5模型没有正确加载,在重新下载后,有了一定的效果,但是效果还是不太理想具体如下: image image 我想知道影响这些的有哪些因素,按理来说yolo5的检测效果应该不错,但是只是人站立时效果不错,坐着的情况不是那么理想。

wufan-tb commented 2 years ago
