wufe / react-particles-js

Particles.js for React
MIT License
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Dynamic Colour: TypeError 'loadCanvas' #144

Closed hmajid2301 closed 4 years ago

hmajid2301 commented 4 years ago

Whenever I try to set the particle colour dynamically using a React context I get the following Error in Chrome (not in firefox, in firefox it works fine). I'm using version 3.3.0 of this library.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'loadCanvas' of undefined

Where the component im using looks something like this: Note theme will either be light or dark.

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import ParticlesEffect from 'react-particles-js';

import { ThemeContext } from '~/providers/Theme';


const Particles = () => {
  const { theme } = useContext(ThemeContext);
  const color = theme === 'light' ? '#000' : '#fff';

  return (
      className="h-full w-full absolute inset-0 pointer-events-none"
        particles: {
          number: {
            value: 160,
            density: {
              enable: false,
          color: {
            value: color,
          size: {
            value: 5,
            random: true,
            anim: {
              speed: 3,
              size_min: 0.7,
          line_linked: {
            enable: false,
          move: {
            random: true,
            speed: 3,
        interactivity: {
          events: {
            onhover: {
              enable: true,
              mode: 'bubble',
            onclick: {
              enable: true,
              mode: 'repulse',
          modes: {
            bubble: {
              distance: 250,
              duration: 2,
              size: 0,
              opacity: 0,
            repulse: {
              distance: 400,
              duration: 4,

If I change

color: {
  value: color,


color: {
  value: "#000",

Everything works as expected. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

hmajid2301 commented 4 years ago

This could be related to #132 both are loading in values dynamically.

matteobruni commented 4 years ago

Hi @hmajid2301

I tried to replicate the issue here: https://codesandbox.io/s/friendly-poitras-egoj5?file=/src/App.js but everything seems ok

Probably this sample is missing something, are you able to replicate the issue there?

I already took the ThemeContext from your repository

hmajid2301 commented 4 years ago

Hmm thanks for that, it looks to be related to gatsby after updating my gatsby-browser.js to this seems to have fixed the issue.

export const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (
    <div className="root overflow-hidden">{element}</div>