wufe / react-particles-js

Particles.js for React
MIT License
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Cannot read property 'resize' of undefined in tsparticles #188

Closed ShreyaSheth23 closed 2 years ago

ShreyaSheth23 commented 3 years ago

Hii I am using react-particles-js library for particles animation and it is showing this error for few users. Any kind of help is appreciated. Here given is the code for particles: <Particles params={ { "particles":{ "number":{ "value":100, "density":{ "enable":true, // "value_area":552.4033491425909 } }, "color":{ "value":"random" }, "shape":{ "type":"circle", "stroke":{ "width":0, "color":"#0" }, "polygon":{ "nb_sides":3 }, "image":{ "src":"img/github.svg", "width":70, "height":100 } }, "opacity":{ "value":0.2, "random":true, "anim":{ "enable":false, "speed":2, "opacity_min":0.2, "sync":false } }, "size":{ "value":4, "random":true, "anim":{ "enable":false, "speed":40, "size_min":0.1, "sync":false } }, "line_linked":{ "enable":false, "distance":150, "color":"#ffffff", "opacity":0.4, "width":1 }, "move":{ "enable":true, "speed":1.5782952832645452, "direction":"none", "random":true, "straight":false, "out_mode":"out", "bounce":false, "attract":{ "enable":false, "rotateX":600, "rotateY":1200 } } }, "interactivity":{ "detect_on":"canvas", "events":{ "onhover":{ "enable":false, "mode":"repulse" }, "onclick":{ "enable":true, "mode":"repulse" }, "onresize":{ "enable":true, "density_auto":true, "density_area":400 } }, "modes":{ "grab":{ "distance":400, "line_linked":{ "opacity":1 } }, "bubble":{ "distance":400, "size":40, "duration":2, "opacity":8, "speed":3 }, "repulse":{ "distance":200, "duration":0.4 }, "push":{ "particles_nb":4 }, "remove":{ "particles_nb":2 } } }, "retina_detect":true } } height={this.props.parentHeight ? this.props.parentHeight : '600px'} style={{ borderTop:'1px solid #e2edf6', borderBottom:'1px solid #e2edf6', boxShadow : 'inset 3px 3px 30px 5px #e2edf6', //backgroundImage: url(${logo}) }} />

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

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