wukong-m2m / wukong-darjeeling

Darjeeling for WuKong
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Uploading VM for a 2nd time would change previous location settings into invalid ones #113

Open senatorjo opened 10 years ago

senatorjo commented 10 years ago

The node's location was set to "/WuKong/building" at first. After a second VM upload, it became "Kong/building████████████████████████" This will block entire discovery due to failure to set up location tree.

senatorjo commented 10 years ago

Assigned to Niels since this seems to be related to memory layout of the table in VM.

senatorjo commented 10 years ago

I put a quick fix (commented code in wkpfcomm.py setlocation function) in commit 0391cb67645ce0cf44cd1dfa8d82e7b57a35b5e5 . But to really solve it we still need to see how VM handles this.