wulfland / ActionsFundamentals

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❓ What is your experience with GitHub? #2

Closed wulfland closed 1 year ago

wulfland commented 1 year ago

What is your experience with GitHub? Whats is your experience with other CI/CD tools? Comment below 👇

wulfland commented 1 year ago

🦕 Azure DevOps / TFS experience since 2005 🔨 Git / GitHub Experience since 2012 🚀 CI/CD: Azure Pipelines, YAML, GitHub Actions 👶 Jenkins, Circle CI

MichalWyznikiewicz-TomTom commented 1 year ago

🚀 CI/CD: 5 years in Jenkins (3 with Jenkins Shared libraries) 👶 GitHub Actions

IvanNoronha-TomTom commented 1 year ago

Azure Devops experience since 2020 Github actions experience since 2020 Jenkins experience since 2016

RubenGamarrarodriguez-tomtom commented 1 year ago

🔨 GitHub Experience since 2013 🚀 CI/CD: Jenk, GitHub Actions 👶 Jenkins and Jenkins Groovy

I have wrote some basic workflows, and read some in open source and watched a talk by Rob Bos on secure gha. In my team currently have on prem jenkins, we plan to move away on prem at some point and use github actions and hosting the artifacts in the new company recommended cloud JFrog artifactory

wolframkroll-TomTom commented 1 year ago

🚀 With GitHub Actions I used and a bit edited existing "pipelines" (what's the term in GHA). 🦕 Experience with Jenkins (called Hudson back then 😄), 🔨 some Azure DevOps...

lukaszdabrowski-TomTom commented 1 year ago

🚀 CI/CD: Jenkins since 2015 GitHub Actions - no experience so far

JoaquinAparicioramos-TomTom commented 1 year ago

🦕 Git / GitHub Actions since 2020 -> CI pipelines, Automatic Deployment, releasing and changelog generator 🚀 Azure DevOps Pipelines since 2019 -> CI pipelines. Automation of delivery mechanisms. 👶 Jenkins 👴 Bambu -> Is this still a thing? since 2013

martaleonska-kaminska-tomtom commented 1 year ago

CI/CD: Jenkins since 2019 :baby: Github Actions (one workflow set up)

marcelleue-tomtom commented 1 year ago

Git / GitHub Actions since 2020: CI/CD, deployment, automation Azure DevOps Pipelines since 2019: CI/CD, automation Jenkins since 2018: CI/CD, automation

nvucinic commented 1 year ago

🦕 Git / GitHub Experience since 2012 🚀 Azure DevOps Pipelines since 2019 🦕 Jenkins 🚀 GitHub Actions since 2021 🦕 deploy.sh from 2005 😄

slklab commented 1 year ago

:hammer: Git/GitHub since 2014 :rocket: CI/CD: Jenkins since 2020, earlier TeamCity, basic knowledge of GitHub Actions (followed AZ-400 training)