wulfland / ActionsFundamentals

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🔍 Retro Day one: What can be improved? #4

Closed wulfland closed 1 year ago

wulfland commented 1 year ago

What can be improved? What was missing? Any additional comments?

wulfland commented 1 year ago

Fix typo in New File link in My First Action Step 1!

wulfland commented 1 year ago

Add a reference doc with all links

RubenGamarrarodriguez-tomtom commented 1 year ago

These two lines have different links but point to the same URL https://github.com/wulfland/GitHubBootcamp/blob/5a0fc4d9e3a54e4d2e52b1e432ac861b679a1329/hol/06-My-first-action.md?plain=1#L16-L17