wulkano / Aperture

Record the screen on macOS
MIT License
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Linux support #7

Closed misterhat closed 7 years ago

misterhat commented 7 years ago

this should use the distro's install of ffmpeg before downloading any binaries off of npmjs

misterhat commented 7 years ago

didn't realize there was already a PR for this, but mine seems a bit simpler. i think it should check for win32 before linux, and then use ffmpeg as the last fallback for GNU & other UNIXes. right now it will definitely throw an error on windows

PaulBGD commented 7 years ago

I like it, it is simple. One of the advantages mine has however is that the bash script accepts the EXACT arguments that the mac binary accepts. This means that we don't have to do any special parsing of arguments (like you do in the JS code.)

dmitry commented 7 years ago

I'd say it would be great to support avconv as well (latest changelog: https://git.libav.org/?p=libav.git;a=blob;f=Changelog;hb=refs/tags/v12).

misterhat commented 7 years ago

@dmitry agreed, but it's not packaged in my distribution. I think the arguments should be almost identical.

dmitry commented 7 years ago

@misterhat could you please include it. Could be checked via which ffmpeg - if found, then use it, in other case which avconv could be used as an alternative way. Then I can check how it works, so I'm :up: for a beta tester.

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

Can you also include support for the draw_mouse option? In master we have an option called showCursor. https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-devices.html#x11grab

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

@misterhat Hey. Any interest in finishing this up? :)

zedtux commented 7 years ago

@misterhat +1

fearphage commented 7 years ago

Could be checked via which ffmpeg

FYI, don't use which in scripts to check for existence. The exit code is not reliable. Use command:

if command -v ffmeg > /dev/null 2>&1; then 
  # do work 

Are these changes abandoned? I wouldn't mind wrapping them up if needed.

pluma commented 7 years ago

I guess the PR has been abandoned. Are the changes that were requested all that is needed to get Linux support working in aperture (and thus kap)? I would be willing to fork @misterhat's PR and make the requested changes myself.

PaulBGD commented 7 years ago

@pluma I had previously created a working version of kap + aperture that ran on linux. It's a bit outdated, but it exists on my profile with support for ubuntu/centos/arch.

The main issue with integration with kap is the area selector, as electron's semi-transparent windows have differing support on different distros. I solved it by creating a node addon in c++ that uses gtk to draw the transparent window.

sindresorhus commented 7 years ago

Closing in favor of #32