wummel / linkchecker

check links in web documents or full websites
GNU General Public License v2.0
1.41k stars 233 forks source link

LinkChecker internal error #765

Closed jeremybickerstaffe closed 5 years ago

jeremybickerstaffe commented 5 years ago

I can't get LinkChecker to work at all. Steps to reproduce:

** Oops, I did it again. *****

You have found an internal error in LinkChecker. Please write a bug report at https://github.com/wummel/linkchecker/issues and include the following information:

When using the commandline client:

Not disclosing some of the information above due to privacy reasons is ok. I will try to help you nonetheless, but you have to give me something I can work with ;) .

Traceback (most recent call last): File "linkcheck\gui\checker.pyo", line 45, in run -- couldn't find file, trying this instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\library.zip\linkcheck\gui\checker.py -- code not available -- File "linkcheck\director__init__.pyo", line 34, in check_urls -- couldn't find file, trying this instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\library.zip\linkcheck\director__init__.py -- code not available -- File "linkcheck\director\aggregator.pyo", line 82, in visit_loginurl -- couldn't find file, trying this instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\library.zip\linkcheck\director\aggregator.py -- code not available -- File "requests\sessions.pyo", line 395, in get -- couldn't find file, trying this instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\library.zip\requests\sessions.py -- code not available -- File "requests\sessions.pyo", line 383, in request -- couldn't find file, trying this instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\library.zip\requests\sessions.py -- code not available -- File "requests\sessions.pyo", line 486, in send -- couldn't find file, trying this instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\library.zip\requests\sessions.py -- code not available -- File "requests\adapters.pyo", line 385, in send -- couldn't find file, trying this instead: C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\library.zip\requests\adapters.py -- code not available -- SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:344: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib System info: LinkChecker 9.3 Released on: 16.7.2014 Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Requests: 2.2.1 Qt: 4.8.6 / PyQt: 4.11 Modules: QScintilla, Sqlite Local time: 2019-03-21 14:52:23+001 sys.argv: ['C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkChecker\linkchecker-gui.exe'] Default locale: ('en', 'cp1252')

**** LinkChecker internal error, over and out ****

dpalic commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the issue report. Sadly this project is dead, and a new team is around with https://github.com/linkcheck/linkchecker for more details please see: #708 Also please close this issue and report it freshly on the new repo https://github.com/linkcheck/linkchecker/issues

jeremybickerstaffe commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I was going to report this error at your new site but I've just tried Linkchecker again and didn't get this problem so will just close this issue.