wundergraph / cosmo

The open-source solution to building, maintaining, and collaborating on GraphQL Federation at Scale. The alternative to Apollo Studio and GraphOS.
Apache License 2.0
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DB::Exception: Database cosmo does not exist. (UNKNOWN_DATABASE) (version (official build)) #566

Open maxkomarychev opened 4 months ago

maxkomarychev commented 4 months ago



Component version

latest (from git)

wgc version


controlplane version


router version


What happened?

If possible, please create a PR with a failing test to illustrate the issue clearly.

Otherwise, please attach a minimum reproduction through a GitHub repository that includes

essential information such as the relevant subgraph SDLs.

Please also make sure that the instructions for the reproduction are clear, tested, and fully accurate.


I have installed cosmo with helm using values.full.yaml and after logged in I'm getting 500 responses for https://controlplane.k-dev.khealth.xyz/wg.cosmo.platform.v1.PlatformService/GetFederatedGraphs.

In the cluster I observe these logs for controlplane:

{"level":"error","time":"2024-02-22T13:41:50.521Z","pid":1,"hostname":"cosmo-controlplane-b58dbd478-rfd8v","msg":"Code: 81. DB::Exception: Database
cosmo does not exist. (UNKNOWN_DATABASE) (version (official build))\n"}
{"level":"error","time":"2024-02-22T13:41:52.242Z","pid":1,"hostname":"cosmo-controlplane-b58dbd478-rfd8v","msg":"Code: 81. DB::Exception: Database
cosmo does not exist. (UNKNOWN_DATABASE) (version (official build))\n"}
{"level":"error","time":"2024-02-22T13:41:54.762Z","pid":1,"hostname":"cosmo-controlplane-b58dbd478-rfd8v","msg":"Code: 81. DB::Exception: Database
cosmo does not exist. (UNKNOWN_DATABASE) (version (official build))\n"}

at the same time in clickhouse:

2024.02.22 13:41:54.760463 [ 330 ] {} <Error> DynamicQueryHandler: Code: 81. DB::Exception: Database cosmo does not exist. (UNKNOWN_DATABASE), Stack

0. DB::Exception::Exception(DB::Exception::MessageMasked&&, int, bool) @ 0x000000000c630397 in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
1. DB::Exception::Exception<String>(int, FormatStringHelperImpl<std::type_identity<String>::type>, String&&) @ 0x00000000071404cd in /opt/bitnami/cl
2. DB::DatabaseCatalog::assertDatabaseExists(String const&) const @ 0x00000000116ee96f in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
3. DB::Context::setCurrentDatabase(String const&) @ 0x000000001163df42 in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
4. DB::HTTPHandler::processQuery(DB::HTTPServerRequest&, DB::HTMLForm&, DB::HTTPServerResponse&, DB::HTTPHandler::Output&, std::optional<DB::Current
5. DB::HTTPHandler::handleRequest(DB::HTTPServerRequest&, DB::HTTPServerResponse&) @ 0x00000000130e23c9 in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
6. DB::HTTPServerConnection::run() @ 0x0000000013153072 in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
7. Poco::Net::TCPServerConnection::start() @ 0x0000000015b3b9d4 in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
8. Poco::Net::TCPServerDispatcher::run() @ 0x0000000015b3cbd1 in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
9. Poco::PooledThread::run() @ 0x0000000015c73407 in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
10. Poco::ThreadImpl::runnableEntry(void*) @ 0x0000000015c716dc in /opt/bitnami/clickhouse/bin/clickhouse
11. start_thread @ 0x0000000000007ea7 in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread-2.31.so
12. ? @ 0x00000000000fba2f in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so
 (version (official build))

Steps to Reproduce

deploy values.full.yaml as instructed in helm/cosmo/README.md

Expected Result

no errors

Actual Result

  1. can't fetch graph
  2. errors in clickhouse

Environment information


OS: (e.g., "Ubuntu 20.04") Package Manager: pnpm, npm, yarn, etc Compiler(if manually compiled): (e.g., "go 14.2")

Router configuration

No response

Router execution config

No response

Log output

No response

Additional context

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 4 months ago

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