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feat: standalone binary distributions for `wgc` #794

Open samjcombs opened 2 weeks ago

samjcombs commented 2 weeks ago

Motivation and Context

In enterprise settings, installing a cli via npm globally isnt always possible. Potential blockers include:

Generally it is industry standard to offer cli tools in standalone binaries.


Implementation is using vercel/pkg to produce the binaries.

While there are a few options for modern node binary distribution (deno, bun, node-22), pkg allows for easy export of cross-platform node16 binaries without fundamentally altering the runtime.

NOTICE: pkg is deprecated as of early 2024 as the maintainer couldnt keep up with the ecosystem. Case in point, pkg offers no support for es6 modules.

Luckily, there is a workaround.

The workaround involves using rollup to bundle the output into a single .cjs file.

Rollup doesn't seem to support top-level await so I made IIFEs out of of the two top-level awaits in the in the package.


samjcombs commented 2 weeks ago

One of my outstanding questions with the native Node SEA approach was cross platform executable support. Also, last time I checked it was still a preview feature, but since Node-22 is available as current as of 2 weeks ago and it looks like it supports cross platform executable generation, using native SEA approach would be the ideal path.

The above pkg method could be used as a stopgap until wgc is tested/upgraded to support node-22.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

This PR was marked stale due to lack of activity. It will be closed in 14 days.