Closed hkirsman closed 2 years ago
Seems as if we also need because otherwise it complains missing classes although they are there (and dev-master because it supports Composer 2). I've added this with last commit.
In composer.json under extras add
"autoload-drupal": {
"modules": [
"classmap": [
lando composer dump-autoload
And finally try to commit code or run
lando grumphp run
Could also be we need to test seems to be quite good but doesn't seem to load .module files so I'm seeing undefined constant error with my code.
This one says it solves the .module and .theme loading
For temporary fix it seems I'd need to create file something like autoload-extras-for-psalm.php
$vendorDir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
$baseDir = dirname($vendorDir);
$projectRoot = realpath($baseDir . '/..');
// @todo: find all .module and .theme files and require here.
require_once $projectRoot . '/web/modules/contrib/adobe_captivate/adobe_captivate.module';
In psalm.xml add autoloader parameter:
xsi:schemaLocation=" vendor/vimeo/psalm/config.xsd"
Hm, can't get this to work.
One more thing. We already have mglaman/phpstan-drupal installed and this seems promising:
I've taken the and refactored it a bit. To me it seems to work nicely.
Should be ok now for testing. See initial comment.
I'm getting
ERROR: UndefinedInterfaceMethod - web/modules/custom/tekla_apireference/src/Form/APIReferenceDocumentRevisionRevertTranslationForm.php:101:54 - Method Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface::getTranslation does not exist (see
$latest_revision_translation = $latest_revision->getTranslation($this->langcode);
This is the code:
$latest_revision = $this->apiReferenceDocumentStorage->load($revision->id());
$latest_revision_translation = $latest_revision->getTranslation($this->langcode);
I don't see it's actually a valid error. PhpStorm find the interface and if I try to add it then PhpStorm also yells that I can't add it again.
So I'll disable this error:
<UndefinedInterfaceMethod errorLevel="suppress" />
Another one:
ERROR: ImplicitToStringCast - web/modules/custom/tekla_apireference/src/Form/APIReferenceDocumentImportForm.php:137:58 - Argument 2 of Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface::setErrorByName expects string, Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup provided with a __toString method (see
$form_state->setErrorByName('source_package_file', t('Import could not continue because directory %directory could not be created for extraction.', [
'%directory' => $extract_path,
But we're not going to do something like t('Foobar')->____toString(). That would output string but with the placeholders. I'll create ignore for that specific error.
All in all I'm adding these ignores to config:
<UndefinedInterfaceMethod errorLevel="suppress" />
<ImplicitToStringCast errorLevel="suppress" />
You can try this out on Drupal 9 project:
composer require wunderio/code-quality:dev-feature/62-add-psalm-task --dev
or in Lando prefix with lando. Psalm requires PHP's mbstring and in my experience I was missing it locally but Lando had it.
Lock files can be tricky and every project is different. On my 9.2.6 installation I did this:
Copy the psalm.xml config to project root
cp vendor/wunderio/code-quality/config/psalm.xml ./psalm.xml
You might see issues with tests not finding dependencies. ERROR: MissingDependency - web/modules/custom/redirect_old_tua/tests/src/HomePageTest.php:13:28 - Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase depends on class or interface phpunit\framework\testcase that does not exist (see class HomePageTest extends BrowserTestBase {
For that install testing Drupals testing support:
As I don't have php locally I'm also using Landos php with this grumphp config:
grumphp: git_hook_variables: EXEC_GRUMPHP_COMMAND: 'lando php'
and re-init grumphp
Where X.X.X is your current core version.