wunderio / ddev-drupal

Work in progress of template for DDEV Drupal projects
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hooks-db-post-import.sh should also run cim and in case of drush 12 - 'deploy' command? #16

Open hkirsman opened 3 months ago

hkirsman commented 3 months ago

You probably have some differences in the db that you're importing. Why do the import and then manually run the config import?

This should be changed from:

cd $DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT && drush cache:rebuild -y && drush @local user:login


cd $DDEV_COMPOSER_ROOT && drush deploy && drush @local user:login

Or I guess there should be some drush version check before doing that. If it's 11 or older, let's add cim somewhere near the cr

The original code for this was taken from https://github.com/wunderio/drupal-project/blob/main/.lando.yml#L154

hkirsman commented 3 months ago

@tormi what do you think?