wunderio / ddev-drupal

Work in progress of template for DDEV Drupal projects
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Add patch to update grumphp git hook from lando to DDEV aware #7

Closed hkirsman closed 4 months ago

hkirsman commented 4 months ago

We have this in all of our projects:

grumphp: git_hook_variables: EXEC_GRUMPHP_COMMAND: lando php

If we start using DDEV, it would always run Lando on git commit.

For now I've created this. More info here https://github.com/wunderio/drupal-project/issues/393 grumphp: git_hook_variables: EXEC_GRUMPHP_COMMAND: "[ -d .ddev/traefik/ ] && GRUMPHP_COMMAND='ddev php' || GRUMPHP_COMMAND='lando php' && $GRUMPHP_COMMAND"

I think the ideal solution would be that this package replaces the line in grumph.yml