wunderio / radi-cli

CLI interface for the Radi-API
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xgcc cannot find package "context" in radi/main.go #27

Closed james-nesbitt closed 7 years ago

james-nesbitt commented 7 years ago

when manually building, the following error occurs:

--- Finished dependency update

"./build/make.sh" binary
---> Make-bundle: binary (in .)
 --> Building ./bin/radi
radi/main.go:4:2: cannot find package "context" in any of:

with go version: go version xgcc (Ubuntu 4.9.3-0ubuntu4) 4.9.3 linux/amd64

james-nesbitt commented 7 years ago

reported by @oechsler-wunder

james-nesbitt commented 7 years ago

context is a core package, and should always be found. This is the same for "strings", "fmt" etc.


james-nesbitt commented 7 years ago

xgcc is not a full go runtime, just a compiler plugin for gcc. It is likely that your go installation is not broken:


james-nesbitt commented 7 years ago

The README now notes that Ubuntu users must use the golang package instead of the gccgo-go option.

james-nesbitt commented 7 years ago

closing this issue, as using the golang package solves the problem in Ubuntu