Option to wait for manual confirmation to apply the preset. Use case:
When cycling presets other commands are ignored and motorized sliders will not move.
There is a timeout for this, which should be made configurable (now it is 2 secs)
After the timeout other commands are accepted and sliders will move
A new option should be added: Confirm preset: Yes/No
If another commands is pressed, it depends on the option above:
5.a. No: This is like now, the last set preset will be kept and the new command is done
5.b. Yes: The last set preset will be undone, so that the new command is done without an applied preset. In order to keep the preset the user must confirm it with a button press. Therefore a new function must be added: Confirm Develop Preset
Option to wait for manual confirmation to apply the preset. Use case:
This must be done in Client.lua