Closed yannickwurm closed 9 years ago
Note: this seems not to no longer be the case after clearing old baseimage (install currently in progress). Only recurring warning message is as to be expected:
debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline
debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:
Yes. Not sure why, but the problem was gone after 319b884b8ea19b37138a7e432e5b39280254af9a I think.
FYI I constantly get the following ugly messages during boiling install.
In my normal shell I get following: