wurmlab / sequenceserver

Intuitive graphical web interface for running BLAST bioinformatics tool (i.e. have your own custom NCBI BLAST site!)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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minor website bugs #338

Closed realsobek closed 6 years ago

realsobek commented 6 years ago

I found some minor bugs on SequenceServer's website. Because I could not find a repo for the website I file the bug report here.

All the following bugs are spelling mistakes. After the website's URL the first line displays the current spelling. After the "--" separator I propose a fixed version.

BLAST includes the makeblastdb tool that is used to converts FASTA files
BLAST includes the makeblastdb tool that is used to convert FASTA files
better: Tübingen
HTML-code of ü: ü
yannickwurm commented 6 years ago

Dear @realsobek, thank you so much for highlighting these issues. We will rapidly address them. FWIW, I believe the website is served directly from the gh-pages branch of this repo. Kind regards,


https://wurmlab.github.io y.wurm@qmul.ac.uk Ants, Bees, Genomes & Evolution skype:yannickwurm +44 207 882 3049 5.21 Fogg, Organismal Biology, Queen Mary U London, Mile End Rd, E14NS London, UK

Fire ant social supergene Gp-9s http://bit.ly/social_chromosome_odorant_proteins Social chromosome diversity: http://bit.ly/social_chromosome_diversity GeneValidator: Visualise gene prediction quality http://bit.ly/gvalidator

Bioinformatics Msc programme: http://bit.ly/london-bioinformatics-msc Ecological & Evolutionary Genomics MSc program: http://bit.ly/evol-genomics-msc

On 2017-Sep-19, at 17:07, realsobek notifications@github.com wrote:

I found some minor bugs on SequenceServer's website. Because I could not find a repo for the website I file the bug report here.

http://www.sequenceserver.com The navigation bar overlaps to top part of the content. You have to delete the navigation bar (f.e. using HTML developer tools; in Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+C) in order to see the content below it. In the HTML-code this is the starting line of the navigation bar:

realsobek commented 6 years ago

In that case let me create a pull request.

realsobek commented 6 years ago

FYI: I noticed that Guy Leonard's picture and website on SequenceServers's website is broken. I sent Guy an email. Maybe it will be a separate PR.

realsobek commented 6 years ago

Guy said I can use his GitHub website because the other website is being re-implemented. From my point of view we can take the discussion to the pull request.

yeban commented 6 years ago

@realsobek wrote:

The navigation bar overlaps to top part of the content. You have to delete the navigation bar (f.e. using HTML developer tools; in Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+C) in order to see the content below it.

Can you post a screenshot?

realsobek commented 6 years ago

This setting allows reproduction: firefox -- about:preferences#content -- Fonts & Colors -- [Advanced...] -- [] Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above

This expands the navbar from one to two rows. Because the content does not get pushed further down automatically the top navbar with two rows overlaps the content.

A cropped screenshot is attached: issue338