wurstscript / WurstScript

Programming language and toolkit to create Warcraft III Maps
Apache License 2.0
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A HashMap method call causes `Map contains invalid Jass scripts that couldn't be compiled by war3` #1013

Closed GetLocalPlayer closed 3 years ago

GetLocalPlayer commented 3 years ago

Don't know how to describe this better and what to ask, so this is probably gonna be in veins. This specific line of code https://github.com/GetLocalPlayer/CH/blob/7f021f6c009921779ef45acffcca52291b1d011b/wurst/Items/ItemAlias.wurst#L104 does not allow to load a map test. WC3 log says:

7/12 21:34:47.410  Map contains invalid Jass scripts that couldn't be compiled by war3, file: war3map.j @ 28930, error: unknown compile error on line 28930
7/12 21:34:47.410  Map contains invalid Jass scripts that couldn't be compiled by war3, file: war3map.j @ 28953, error: unknown compile error on line 28953
7/12 21:34:47.410  Map contains invalid Jass scripts that couldn't be compiled by war3, file: war3map.j @ 28954, error: unknown compile error on line 28954
7/12 21:34:47.410  Map contains invalid Jass scripts that couldn't be compiled by war3, file: war3map.j @ 28957, error: unknown compile error on line 28957
compiled.j ``` function call_nullTimer_add_ItemAlias_ItemAlias takes integer this_1, string w__wurst_stackPos returns nothing local player p local real pos_x_1 local real pos_y_1 local integer charges local integer data local integer index /* ---- 28930 */ local item alias local item receiver local item receiver_1 local item receiver_2 local real tuple_temp local real tuple_temp_1 set wurst_stack[wurst_stack_depth] = w__wurst_stackPos set wurst_stack_depth = wurst_stack_depth + 1 set p = item_getPlayer(droppedItem[this_1]) set tuple_temp = item_getPos(droppedItem[this_1]) set tuple_temp_1 = item_getPos_return_y set pos_x_1 = tuple_temp set pos_y_1 = tuple_temp_1 set charges = item_getCharges(droppedItem[this_1]) set data = item_getUserData(droppedItem[this_1]) call item_setVisible(droppedItem[this_1], false) set index = dispatch_LinkedList_LinkedList_LinkedList_indexOf(ItemAlias_itemIds, droppedItemId[this_1], "when calling indexOf in ItemAlias, line 99") set receiver = createItem(dispatch_LinkedList_LinkedList_LinkedList_get(ItemAlias_aliasIds, index, "when calling get in ItemAlias, line 100"), pos_x_1, pos_y_1) call item_setPlayer(receiver, p, true) set receiver_1 = receiver call item_setCharges(receiver_1, charges) set receiver_2 = receiver_1 call item_setUserData(receiver_2, data) /* ---- 28953 */ set alias = receiver_2 /* ---- 28954 */ call dispatch_HashMap_HashMap_HashMap_put(itemByAlias_2014[this_1], itemToIndex(alias), itemToIndex(droppedItem[this_1]), "when calling put in ItemAlias, line 104") set wurst_stack_depth = wurst_stack_depth - 1 set p = null /* ---- 28957 */ set alias = null set receiver = null set receiver_1 = null set receiver_2 = null endfunction ```
Frotty commented 3 years ago

the code looks correct, so I suspect that "alias" is a reserved keyword. Please try renaming the variable or enabling the "optimize" option in wurst_run.args which will rename all variables. If this is indeed the case, I will add it to the restricted names.

GetLocalPlayer commented 3 years ago

You're right. It works.

Frotty commented 3 years ago

👍 I added aliasto the restricted names.