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RDataEngineer-06-02.R 和 RVisualization-04-HW.R 無法結束 #345

Open crikyre opened 7 years ago

crikyre commented 7 years ago

如題,我用網頁上的解答也無法解決, 是不是有版本的問題呢? 謝謝!

錯誤資訊如下: RDataEngineer-06-02.R : Error : nrow(answer02.1) == 116774 is not TRUE

RVisualization-04-HW.R: Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In file(con, "r") : cannot open file 'NA': No such file or directory

wush978 commented 7 years ago



可能和nycflights這個套件的版本有關,請問你目前電腦上的版本是? 參考看看 https://github.com/wush978/DataScienceAndR/issues/319 是不是已經修復了

RVisualization-04-HW.R 這個你是第一次回報的,所以我不清楚原因耶。 還是先請你重新安裝一次看看,以及檢查使用者名稱是不是有中文(限windows使用者)

crikyre commented 7 years ago

版本原來不是最新的, 現在已經都是最新的,R 是3.3.2 R studio是1.0.44 雖然有照解答安裝 check_then_install("nycflights13", "0.1")

如果將網頁解答全部複製貼上,輸入submit(),錯誤訊息如下: | Sourcing your script...

Joining, by = c("year", "month", "day", "hour", "origin") Joining, by = c("year", "month", "day", "hour", "origin") Joining, by = c("year", "month", "day", "hour", "origin") answer02.3 is wrong Factor levels not equal for column wind_speed

| Nice try, but that's not exactly what I was hoping for. Try again.

warning messages from top-level task callback 'mini' Warning messages: 1: In grepl("\n", lines, fixed = TRUE) : input string 1 is invalid in this locale 2: In grepl("\n", lines, fixed = TRUE) : input string 2 is invalid in this locale 3: In grepl("\n", lines, fixed = TRUE) : input string 3 is invalid in this locale 4: In grepl("\n", lines, fixed = TRUE) : input string 4 is invalid in this locale 5: In grepl("\n", lines, fixed = TRUE) : input string 5 is invalid in this locale

使用者名稱是英文的喔~ RVisualization-04-HW.R 參考網頁解答完成了, 但 輸入 hw() 是看不到解答的~


lywgit commented 7 years ago

回報一下,我也遇到 RVisualization-04-HW.R 輸入 hw() 無法看參考解答的問題,也是有下錯誤:

Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection === Show Traceback 出現的部分: 4 file(con, "r") 3 readLines(.get_path(".hw")[2]) 2 strsplit(src, readLines(.get_path(".hw")[2])) at initLesson.R#26 1 hw() == end Traceback In addition: Warning message: In file(con, "r") : cannot open file 'NA': No such file or directory

我是Mac 使用者 Rstudio Version 1.0.44 R version 3.3.2


wush978 commented 7 years ago


之後要找新的portable serialization format...
