wusize / ovdet

[CVPR2023] Code Release of Aligning Bag of Regions for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
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LVIS pipeline #20

Closed qsunyuan closed 1 year ago

qsunyuan commented 1 year ago

Hope to get your LVIS pipeline.

wusize commented 1 year ago

Hi! There were problem on SyncBN when we built and released this project on MMDet3.x. The training speed is remarkably slower than the original code which was built on detectron2. The problem on COCO was side-stepped by using 16 gpus. However, the training speed on LVIS was even slower on OV-LVIS which would cost 32 gpus to finish in one day, making it unfeasible for reproduction. If you need the code to run the training and testing on LVIS. You can leave an e-mail address, I will send the d2-based code to you once I get it well-organized..

wanghao9610 commented 1 year ago

@wusize Awesome code! I also encounted the much long training issue when runing the lvis exp, would you mind sending me the d2 code for LVIS?

wusize commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late relying. I was on vocation and will be a little busy these days. Will send you the code shortly after August 16.

ShenghaiRong commented 1 year ago

@wusize Excellent work and awesome code! Would you also send me the d2-based code for COCO and LVIS? My email: rongsh@mail.ustc.edu.cn, thank you!

parang99 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @wusize. Thank you for sharing the great work. I'd like to run the BARON lvis code compared to DetPro in Table 2, is it possible to share? If possible, I would appreciate it if you could send it by email. My email address is parang@korea.ac.kr . Thanks.

wusize commented 1 year ago

I will send the d2-based code together with the link to the checkpoints of the results in the paper to you all this weekend.

wusize commented 1 year ago

Dear all. I have invited you to the original d2-based repo. Please git checkout ensemble to get into the right branch.

wanghao9610 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing, size @wusize .

ShenghaiRong commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing the great work! 😄

parang99 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for sharing!

rohit901 commented 11 months ago

@wusize can you share the d2 based code with me please?

Lukas-Ma1 commented 6 months ago

@wusize Hi, I also hope to get your lvis training and test code. The repo link you sent seems to be unavailable, could I trouble you to send the code to my email: mashiyuan8@gmail.com. Thank you so much!

Dylansisyphe commented 2 months ago

The repo link seems to be unavailable, could I trouble you to send the code to my email: mqs_fire@outlook.com. Thank you so much!