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【Git Config】Git配置脚本 #2

Open wutiejun opened 7 years ago

wutiejun commented 7 years ago

【Git Config】Git配置脚本

function GitAliasHelp()
    echo "Hellp for git alias commands:"
    echo "  g.h         alias for git help."
    echo "  g.add       alias for git add."
    echo "  g.bs        alias for git bisect."
    echo "  g.br        alias for git branch."
    echo "  g.co        alias for git checkout."
    echo "  g.cm        alias for git commit."
    echo "  g.cl        alias for git clone."
    echo "  g.df        alias for git diff."
    echo "  g.ft        alias for git fetch."
    echo "  g.grep      alias for git grep."
    echo "  g.init      alias for git init."
    echo "  g.log       alias for git log."
    echo "  g.mg        alias for git merge."
    echo "  g.mv        alias for git mv."
    echo "  g.pl        alias for git pull."
    echo "  g.ps        alias for git push."
    echo "  g.rb        alias for git rebase."
    echo "  g.rs        alias for git reset."
    echo "  g.rm        alias for git rm."
    echo "  g.rv        revert all chanages for current working space."
    echo "  g.so        alias for git show."
    echo "  g.ss        alias for git status."
    echo "  g.tag       alias for git tag."
    echo ""

function GitRevertAll()
    echo -n "All changes in the work space will be lost, are you sure? [Yes/No]: "
    read m_input
    if [ "$m_input" != "yes" ];then
    echo "Start revert deleted files ......"
    git status | grep deleted | cut -d":" -f2 | xargs git checkout
    echo "Start revert modified files ......"
    git status | grep modified | cut -d":" -f2 | xargs git checkout
    echo "All changes revert done."

# alias for git
alias g.h="git help; GitAliasHelp"
alias g.add="git add"
alias g.bs="git bisect"
alias g.br="git branch"
alias g.co="git checkout"
alias g.cm="git commit -s"
alias g.cl="git clone"
alias g.df="git diff"
alias g.ft="git fetch"
alias g.grep="git grep"
alias g.init="git init"
alias g.log="git log --all --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset%Cgreen [%ad] %C(bold blue)<%an> - %C(yellow)%d%Creset%s %Creset' --abbrev-commit  --date=short"
alias g.mg="git merge"
alias g.mv="git mv"
alias g.pl="git pull"
alias g.ps="git push"
alias g.rb="git rebase"
alias g.rs="git reset"
alias g.rm="git rm"
alias g.rv="GitRevertAll"
alias g.so="git show"
alias g.ss="git status"
alias g.tag="git tag"
alias g.gc="git gc"
wutiejun commented 7 years ago
core.pager=less -r