wuvt / trackman

WUVT's track logging web-app
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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generate NACC chart reports #110

Open echarlie opened 4 years ago

echarlie commented 4 years ago

if you aren't familiar, NACC are the new CMJ: they publish the charts that the labels use to determine how popular their albums are. I don't know what they do after that happens, but it's a big deal in the industry: in fact the single most important job of the MD is probably to submit to NACC.

We should finally nix this stupid thing, by generating good charts by flagged rotation and flagged by new.

There would likely be 2 components for this:

  1. something under the trackman "charts" tab in the admin section, which generates useful charts for given time frames, so the MD can submit charts. These would be configurable.
  2. a public API call (to be displayed on the site), that most closely mirrors what spinatron and NACC do, so that labels and the general public can get a high-level view of what a station is playing.

I'm not sure what the actual API would look like, but the knobs the MD should be able to twist:

Someone should talk to the MD to get more context.