wuxudong / react-native-charts-wrapper

a react native charts wrapper (support android & iOS)
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How to specify the data to render on y or y1 axis, based on the yAxisID in the data being provided to the line chart #963

Open Shivangigupta01 opened 11 months ago

Shivangigupta01 commented 11 months ago

Expected Behavior

Labels rendering on y and y1 axis labels in the line chart are similar and not as per the data provided. the values that are being rendered on y axis are similar to the values being rendered on y1 axis.

how can I provide the yAxisID to the line chart getting rendered.

Actual Behavior

the data being rendered on y and y1 axis should be based on the data being provided to the line chart.


attached below the screenshot of how the data is being rendered on web(using charts: https://www.npmjs.com/package/chart.js?activeTab=readme) and how rendered in mobile, provided the same data.

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 7 46 59 PM Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 7 48 26 PM

Data and config

this is how I am mapping my api response to a suitable data configuration. const chartData = { dataSets: data && data?.dataSets?.length > 0 ? [ ...data.dataSets.map((item: IGraphDataSet) => ({ values: item.data, label: '', config: { ...dataConfig, mode: data, color: processColor(item.color), circleColor: processColor(item.color), }, })), ] : [], };

where datasets array looks like: [ {     "color": "#6AABAC",     "data": [       0,       0,       0,       0,       0,       338.407,       338.407,       338.407,       338.407,       338.407,       338.407,       338.407     ],     "label": "sample label 1",     "yAxisID": "y1"   },   {     "color": "#AF8E62",     "data": [       0,       0,       0,       0,       0,       0,       3,       3,       3,       3,       3,       3     ],     "label": "sample label 2",     "yAxisID": "y"   }, ]

I need to specify the data to render on y or y1 axis, based on the yAxisID.

this is how I have configured my Line chart component

<LineChart ref={chartRef} style={styles.chart} legend={{enabled: true, form: 'NONE'}} data={chartData} chartDescription={{text: ''}} marker={markerConfig} xAxis={{ ...xAxisConfig, position: 'BOTTOM', valueFormatter: data?.labels, }} yAxis={yAxisConfig} />

I have the following configurations added for chart, x and y axis

export const markerConfig = { enabled: true, digits: 2, markerColor: processColor('grey'), textColor: processColor(colors.white), textAlign: 'center', flexWrap: 'wrap', };

export const dataConfig = { lineWidth: 2, drawFilled: false, fillAlpha: 35, drawValues: false, circleRadius: 2, drawCircleHole: false, };

export const xAxisConfig = { granularityEnabled: true, granularity: 1, textSize: 13, drawGridLines: true, gridLineWidth: 1, gridColor: processColor(colors.border), axisLineColor: processColor(colors.border), textColor: processColor(colors.black), fontFamily: fonts.regular, drawLabels: true, labelRotationAngle: -90, avoidFirstLastClipping: false, };

export const yAxisConfig = { left: { granularityEnabled: true, granularity: 0.1, textSize: 13, textColor: processColor(colors.black), fontFamily: fonts.regular, drawLabels: true, drawGridLines: true, gridColor: processColor(colors.border), drawAxisLines: false, }, right: { granularityEnabled: true, granularity: 0.1, textSize: 13, textColor: processColor(colors.black), fontFamily: fonts.regular, drawLabels: true, drawGridLines: true, gridColor: processColor(colors.border), drawAxisLines: false, }, };

Additional Notes

the only difference between the data configuration of web and mobile is that of the yAxisId. Example of how data is configured in web:

const getDataSet = (dataSets) => { return dataSets.map((item) => { return { label: item.label, data: item.data, borderColor: item.color, backgroundColor: item.color, pointRadius: 3, yAxisID: item.yAxisID, //how can we configure this same property in Line Chart }; }); };


Version: react-native-charts-wrapper : 0.5.5 Platform: iOS