wvanbergen / node-vertica

Pure javascript Vertica database client. Except it is written in CoffeeScript.
MIT License
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Really, how do you end a connection/disconnect without getting the 'unexpected EOF' message in the server log? #48

Open kimwykoff opened 9 years ago

kimwykoff commented 9 years ago


Sorry I'm posting this again, but I'm still having this issue and I don't know if I can re-open the closed issue. I put added some comments on the other issue, but I don't know if anyone will read them.

I'm using node-vertica version 0.5.2 and Vertica Analytic Database v7.1.1-0. I'm facing an issue where when I call disconnect(), I always see this message in the server log:

Unexpected EOF on client connection

I'm simply executing a query and then disconnecting:

var   vertica = require('vertica')
var _ = require('lodash')

var verticaSettings = {<props>}

vertica.connect(verticaSettings, function (err, conn) {
    if (err) {
        console.log('connection error', err)
    } else {
        queryVertica("select count(*) from sessions", conn, function(err, results) {
            console.log('err = ', err)
            console.log('results = ', results)

The log file still indicates an Unexpected EOF:

8:17.729 Init Session:0x7fed34014010 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 00000/2705: Connection received: host= port=51740 (connCnt 3)
8:17.730 Init Session:0x7fed34014010 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 00000/4540: Received SSL negotiation startup packet
8:17.730 Init Session:0x7fed34014010 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 00000/4691: Sending SSL negotiation response 'N'
8:17.733 Init Session:0x7fed34014010 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 00000/4686: Authentication - sendAuthRequest: user=dbUser database=verticaDB host= authType=3
8:17.735 Init Session:0x7fed34014010-a0000000006308 [Txn] <INFO> Begin Txn: a0000000006308 'check_login_history'
8:17.735 Init Session:0x7fed34014010-a0000000006308 [Txn] <INFO> Rollback Txn: a0000000006308 'check_login_history'
8:17.735 Init Session:0x7fed34014010 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 00000/4686: Authentication - sendAuthRequest: user=dbUser database=verticaDB host= authType=0
8:17.735 Init Session:0x7fed34014010 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 00000/2703: Connection authenticated: user=dbUser database=verticaDB host=
8:17.737 Init Session:0x7fed34014010 [Session] <INFO> [Query] TX:0(iod-vertica-1-20028:0x36fdd) select count(*) from sessions
8:17.738 Init Session:0x7fed34014010-a0000000006309 [Txn] <INFO> Begin Txn: a0000000006309 'select count(*) from sessions'
8:17.785 Init Session:0x7fed34014010-a0000000006309 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 08006/5167: Unexpected EOF on client connection
8:17.785 Init Session:0x7fed34014010-a0000000006309 <LOG> @v_verticadb_node0001: 00000/4719: Session iod-vertica-1-20028:0x36fdd ended; closing connection (connCnt 3)
8:17.785 Init Session:0x7fed34014010-a0000000006309 [Txn] <INFO> Rollback Txn: a0000000006309 'select count(*) from sessions'

I noticed that vertica provides the finish() method in their odbc driver and if finish() is called from perl, then there is no 'Unexpected EOF' message:

$query = "SELECT distinct Calendar_Month_Name FROM Date_Dimension";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);

# Bind the variables and then look throuhg the results

$sth->bind_columns(undef, \$month );

   print "$month\n"
# Disconnect from the database
or warn "Disconnection failed: $DBI::errstr\n";

I couldn't find a 'finish' call in the node-vertica module. Perhaps this is the problem?

asaf-lahav commented 9 years ago

I have the same issue... Did you manage to resolve this?

boazshor commented 9 years ago

Hi All, I am working on a very big project utilizing your driver and I'm experiencing the same problem. Every time I close a connection I get the msg : Unexpected EOF on client connection. I read it might be caused by closing the connection incorrectly. Is there a fix on the horizon? Thanks.

wvanbergen commented 9 years ago

I am not planning on working on this any time soon, because I don't work with either node, nor Vertica anymore on a daily basis. I would welcome a fix though.

RajithaFernando commented 3 years ago

I used something like below. Creates a connection for each request.

let connection;

try {
catch (e) {
    // console.log(e)
finally {

    connection = new Vertica({
        user: 'userName',
        host: 'IP',
        database: 'DB',
        password: 'password',
        post: 5433,
        keepAlive: false
    }, (error) => {
        if (error) {
            // DO SOMETHING
        else {
            // DO SOMETHING

Therefore, for each request, There will be a new Connection