wviechtb / metadat

Meta-analytic datasets for R
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Code under 'Examples' in the help files #26

Open wviechtb opened 1 year ago

wviechtb commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I would like to start an open/transparent discussion about the following issue:

At the end of the help files (in the Examples section), there is often at times quite extensive code to illustrate some ways of analyzing the data or reproducing the results from the paper from which the data were taken. Essentially, this was a result of me moving the datasets that were originally part of the metafor package to metadat and hence copying the help files from one package to the other. As a result, the majority of help files illustrate the analysis of the data using the metafor package (given that about 3/4 of the datasets that are currently in metadat were contributed by me). The question has come up whether it should be possible to contribute code to illustrate the analysis of datasets using other packages (of course this would apply to any dataset, not just those that were contributed by me).

My approach so far has been this: The person who spends the time to extract, document, and contribute a dataset to the package (which often can take considerable amounts of time) is also the person who gets to write the Examples section (can think of this as a reward). This is why I have also never touched the Examples section on any of the datasets that were contributed to the package by other people. But given that many datasets were contributed by me, this might come across as me 'gate keeping' what packages are used to illustrate the analyses. Hence, I would like to solicit feedback on this issue in an open/transparent manner.

A few additional thoughts:

Hope to hear other people's thoughts on this!

thomased commented 1 year ago

Hi Wolfgang,

It's a good question of course — I hadn't considered it. My very scattered thoughts:

That's just my 2c anyway — very open to other arguments!

daniel1noble commented 1 year ago

Hi Wolfgang and Tom,

Wolfgang, good points. I largely agree with what Tom says here. Some more random thoughts.

  1. The fact that most example code is demonstrated using the metafor package is not at all a problem to me. Nor do I see it as you 'gatekeeping'. metadat, while its own package, is tightly intertwined with metafor. Having example code that primarily relies on metafor therefore makes sense. I guess I would ask the question, "How often is metadat used outside on its own versus it being downloaded as a dependency with metafor?". I'm not sure if download counts can disentangle this distinction, but it's probably an important one to consider.

  2. I think sticking to basic examples that demonstrate the use of the dataset in relation to a single example of how it was analysed in the paper is all that needs to be done, and no more. To me, these should be short examples to demonstrate the types of questions being addressed with the data not a tutorial on how to fit meta-analytic models or model selection. You already have a fantastic web page that does that! Having said that, I think some code is a good idea. I wouldn't get rid of it completely as it gives users interested in the dataset some context.

Anyway, just my thoughts, but you're the main driver of the package Wolfgang. So, I agree with Tom that I think we should be accomodating you and ensuring that the pipelines for you maintaining the package are made easy and streamlined.

Cheers, Dan

guido-s commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I finally found the time to reply to this thread (which has been started by Wolfgang after a brief email exchange with me).

My main idea to contribute R code to existing help pages would be to make additional statistical methods known to the user. For example, R package metasens provides some methods to adjust for selection bias which are not available in metafor (and vice versa). In my view, it would be a great help to users to find these methods in a single help file.

Having no analysis code in Examples would in my view severely diminish the usefulness of the help pages in metadat. This would be OK if the main purpose of metadat is to act only as an online database for meta-analysis data sets.

If code contributions to examples are allowed, these contributions

Best, Guido