wviechtb / metafor

A meta-analysis package for R
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Is this R script correct for conducting a meta-analysis of AOR for hypertension prevalence? #84

Closed sancho2023 closed 4 months ago

sancho2023 commented 4 months ago

Capturar Question:

I am conducting a meta-analysis and meta-regression to calculate the pooled adjusted odds ratio (AOR) and I² with the p-value for variables associated with hypertension prevalence. I have a dataset with the following columns:

Here is the script I am using in R:

Calculate the standard error (seTE)

data$seTE <- (log(data$upper_CI) - log(data$lower_CI)) / (2 * 1.96)


meta_analysis <- metagen(TE = log(data$AOR), seTE = data$seTE, data = data, studlab = data$study_id, comb.fixed = TRUE, comb.random = TRUE)

Meta-analysis results


I would like to know if this script is correct for achieving my goals of:

Calculating the pooled AOR and the 95% confidence interval.
Calculating the I² and the p-value to assess heterogeneity.

Additionally, I am wondering about the necessity of using the log transformation in this context. Could someone explain why the logarithm of the AOR and confidence intervals is used in these calculations?

Any feedback or suggestions for improvement would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

wviechtb commented 4 months ago

Dear @sancho2023, this is not a support forum, but a place to report potential bugs or discuss/suggest feature enhancements to the package. As the issue template explains, general questions about the package should be posted to the R-sig-meta-analysis mailing list.