wvteijlingen / Spine

A Swift library for working with JSON:API APIs. It supports mapping to custom model classes, fetching, advanced querying, linking and persisting.
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Possible to make query with custom URL and inferred response type? #120

Closed stephensilber closed 7 years ago

stephensilber commented 7 years ago

The API I'm working with has a route ("http://api.com/users/login") that expects a token to be set in the header and returns a User object. The problem is Spine thinks that the user's ID is "login". Is there a way to do this with a Query object?

Expected behavior: --> Request http://api.com/users/login with header token "x-token" set <-- Return User object

wvteijlingen commented 7 years ago

Query has an initialiser that takes a URL path: init(resourceType: T.Type, path: String). Headers are a little more work though. HTTPClient supports headers, but only for all requests. If you want a specific header for just one request you'd have to subclass it and override the buildRequest method to add your own header if the URL matches.

stephensilber commented 7 years ago

This token would persist for the rest of calls made by Spine anyway, so that's not an issue.

I think the problem is that I want to build a custom "query" that's a POST method but it doesn't look like that is supported. I get a bad response due to the fact that the query is a GET method.


    func signIn(twitterToken: String) -> PromiseKit.Promise<Void> {
        self.setToken(twitterToken, key: "token")
        self.client.setHeader("x-twitter-token", to: twitterToken)

        return PromiseKit.Promise { fulfill, reject in
            let query = Query(resourceType: User.self, path: "/api/users/login")//Query(resourceType: User.self)
            spine.find(query).onSuccess { (resource, meta, jsonapi) in
                guard let  user = resource.resources.first as? User else { return reject(SpineManagerError.UserNotSet) }
                self.user = user
                return fulfill()
            }.onFailure { error in
                return reject(error)


Warning  - 404: http://api.com/api/users/login – (127 bytes)
Debug    - {"errors":[{"status":404,"code":"resource_not_found","title":"Users Not Found","detail":"Users with id login was not found."}]}
stephensilber commented 7 years ago

I was able to work around this by building a custom HTTPClient like you said, and override buildRequest. I would love a solution that doesn't hard code routes if it's available, but this works for now. Thanks for the suggestion!