wvteijlingen / Spine

A Swift library for working with JSON:API APIs. It supports mapping to custom model classes, fetching, advanced querying, linking and persisting.
MIT License
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Help me to clear my doubts, Please. #126

Closed sachin-sat closed 7 years ago

sachin-sat commented 7 years ago

Implemented Spine in my project. It works well when in online. I would like to store resources as 'spine resource' without changing anything in my local. I mean if i change anything, relationship between 2 model will be broken right?(in too many relationship). eg : if i want to get Dogs of a Owner from remote API means, it needs resource collection. assume i have 2 dogs fetched from server(stored in local - attributes only) and got one of the dogs and didn't fetch another. and now, again open the App, i have a dog with fetched owners from server and one dog without owner(relationship) in local. Here i can't fetch 2 dog's owner as i don't have resourcecollection of it. Any suggestion to have resourcecollection also in offline?

Thanks in advance.

wvteijlingen commented 7 years ago

I don't understand what you mean. Resource, ResourceCollection and LinkedResourceCollection all implement NSCoding, so you can encode them for persisting and offline usage.

sachin-sat commented 7 years ago

yeah, that's. Encoding and Decoding won't slow the performance? comparing with sqlite and coredata?

also as it's 'LinkedResourceCollection(in my case it's tomanyrelationship)' used to fetch related 'Objects'. can't i assign them to LinkedResourceCollection of the parent after fetching? i mean self.persons(where person is LinkedResourceCollection) = fetched persons from server which used LinkedResourceCollection?

wvteijlingen commented 7 years ago

I don't know what the performance of encoding/decoding is, you'd have to test that if you really want to know. Yes, you can just assign a LinkedResourceCollection if you want.

sachin-sat commented 7 years ago

Thanks Ward van,

But it also throws error when i try assigning fetched ResourceCollection (from spine.find) to LinkedResourceCollection.

"Cannot assign value of type 'ResourceCollection' to type 'LinkedResourceCollection?'

Am i missing anything?

Thanks in advance.

wvteijlingen commented 7 years ago

There is a difference between a LinkedResourceCollection and a ResourceCollection, so you cannot assign a ResourceCollection to a variable of type LinkedResourceCollection.

sachin-sat commented 7 years ago

So it's not possible assigning fetched resource to the LinkedResourceCollection of a object? i mean,

class Dogs: Resource { var name: String? var owners: LinkedResourceCollection? override class var resourceType: String { return "dogs" } } class Owner: Resource { var name: String? override class var resourceType: String { return "owner" } }

here dogs.owners always returns LinkedResourceCollection. How i can make it 'Owner' resources after fetching owners using Query(made by LinkedResourceCollection). If i'm wrong, help me please.