wwalc / colorbutton

CKEditor Color Button plugin for Drupal 8
GNU General Public License v2.0
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drupal8 rc2 test #1

Open kiss-jozsef opened 8 years ago

kiss-jozsef commented 8 years ago

Hello, I just tested it on drupal8 rc2 and its working can you add them as module on drupal.org ? And https://github.com/wwalc/panelbutton too .

wwalc commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, that's why I did not do it yet...

Ideally a single module should provide all optional plugins (at least those made by CKEditor team) so that installing plenty of modules was not needed. It would be easier then to keep plugin versions and CKEditor core in sync. I mean, for example CKEditor "core" 4.5.2 should not be mixed with plugins from version 4.5.3 and so on. I think it would be too easy to end up with such situation in case of plenty of modules.

A single, more powerful module could verify installed version of CKEditor and warn about such situations.

kevinquillen commented 8 years ago

RC3 upgraded the core version of CKEditor.