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Dynamic character tagging functionality *Big picture* #93

Open AniOnGit opened 7 years ago

AniOnGit commented 7 years ago

This topic is a bit complex, I will break it down in more little issues to work through - I thought it would be nice to have the whole idea somewhere to understand the goal.

When the GW2 API character persistence is done we will have a users character data persisted in our database. Then we can use that data and 'tag' characters.

An example: As a raid leader I set up a raid event and need to know which classes my signups can bring to the team so I can work out the best team/class composition. Current procedure is having them put a comment in the event about which classes they can bring. Then I (as a raid leader) have an excel where I have all members with their classes being available (collected the data out of the comments). So I click together in the excel which members participate and see which classes I do have available for a team. After that I fill a table with 'who plays what' to see the result. The idea is to make this more comfortable in the end for both sided - event organisator and the signup members.

The idea The character table view needs to be extended with 'checkbox columns' which can appear or not based on the users profile. Imagine an additional column 'raid' in the character table all filled with checkboxes. The user can now mark the characters he wants/can bring to a raid. Because of the fact not even half of the guild is going to raid not everyone needs that column. So we want to implement a mechanism making this column appear or not based on the users preferences.

  1. There needs to be a profile option stating if that column shall appear or not (with default value no): Issue #94
  2. The character tables view needs to display or not the additional column based on that flag. Not just a column, every cell in there needs to be filled with checkboxes: Issue #95
  3. If a user signs in for a tag-supporting event type the relevant profile option will be set automatically to true: Issue #99
  4. If the user selects the raid checkbox for one of his/her characters we call this a tag. He tagged a character to be able to go to raids. That needs to be saved: Issue #96
  5. The last step is making the raid leader (event organizer) able to see which characters/classes the event signups have available: Issue #97

That should do the trick in a first usable implementation. Further ideas flying around in my head are:

wwevo commented 7 years ago

Sounds largely sensible to me.

Multiple rows of checkboxes in that table sound problematic though perhaps with an extra column/button -> specialities, where we get a new page or later javascript popup where we can select tags provided by the modules?

Or perhaps this could somehow be worked into the event signups? I click on signups, get a window with all my characters and can then chose which ones I want?

I'm thinking that we'd get a smallish problem as soon as we have multiple events with signups available, it would become a checkbox/combobox love-fest pretty fast. One column for those pvp players, another one for wvw then one for raids and perhaps one for dungeons and fractals and so on

AniOnGit commented 7 years ago

I forgot to explain something!! Those columns shall not be visible to the user by default. Every tag type (like raids) would get a profile option set to default false and automatically set to true the first time a user signs up for an event relevant to that tag type. I gonna correct the bic picture. So it is very unlikely that one user will see all the available columns. And let's be honest, what other tag type relevant columns are there in near future? I see only raids so far ;)