Read the number of years in the file to determine the number of timesteps needed in the CORPSE output file data structures. Previously the allocation to these output data structures assumed a max number of 7 years. This was an OK assumption when running a 2-degree grid because the size of files could not exceed 2GB, which was 5-7 years, depending on the number of variables strored in the files. Seven is not a sufficient number of years for the point weather input files that may contain many more than 7 years wihout exceeding the maximum netcdf file size.
Read the number of years in the file to determine the number of timesteps needed in the CORPSE output file data structures. Previously the allocation to these output data structures assumed a max number of 7 years. This was an OK assumption when running a 2-degree grid because the size of files could not exceed 2GB, which was 5-7 years, depending on the number of variables strored in the files. Seven is not a sufficient number of years for the point weather input files that may contain many more than 7 years wihout exceeding the maximum netcdf file size.