wwmm / easyeffects

Limiter, compressor, convolver, equalizer and auto volume and many other plugins for PipeWire applications
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Start minimized to system tray in Flatpak package #3207

Open andresgarcia0313 opened 6 days ago

andresgarcia0313 commented 6 days ago

EasyEffects Version


What package are you using?

Flatpak (Flathub)



Describe the bug

Currently, the Flatpak package of EasyEffects does not offer the option to automatically start minimized to the system tray nor to minimize to the system tray when the window is minimized. This causes the application to occupy space in the taskbar, which can be inconvenient for users who prefer to keep their taskbar uncluttered.

Expected Behavior

The expected behavior is for EasyEffects to offer an option to:

  1. Start automatically minimized to the system tray on startup.
  2. Minimize to the system tray instead of the taskbar when the user chooses to minimize the application.

Debug Log

Debug Log
``` Paste your log here ```

Additional Information

This functionality will enhance the user experience, allowing for a cleaner and more organized workspace. Additionally, it will align EasyEffects with the expected behavior of many modern applications that support minimizing to the system tray.

Thank you for your attention and consideration in implementing this improvement, which will undoubtedly benefit many users. πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰πŸš€

violetmage commented 6 days ago
  1. Does the option Settings -> General -> Launch Service at System Startup not work?

  2. Easyeffects does not use a system tray icon, even though it can run in the background without an open window.

wwmm commented 6 days ago

Gtk4 does not support system tray by design. So untill the day we move away from gtk comes adding a tray icon won't be an option.

That being said it should be able to start with its window hidden.

andresgarcia0313 commented 4 days ago

It's necessary to restart to activate and validate the service, and with this, it works without issues. However, it's annoying to have to hide the icon in the tray every time I restart the system using KDock. Who knows how kdock does it with gtk4.