wwood / CoverM

Read coverage calculator for metagenomics
GNU General Public License v3.0
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libtinfow.so.6: no version information available (required by samtools) #170

Closed bhimbbiswa closed 1 year ago

bhimbbiswa commented 1 year ago


Already been solved, adding here for information to others.

I faced the above problem when I installed coverm to my institute cluster using the following command.

conda create -n conda coverm

I thought the problem is with ncurses following this advice, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72103046/libtinfo-so-6-no-version-information-available-message-using-conda-environment so installed it separately in a new environment and then installed coverm.

conda create -n conda coverm2 -c conda-forge ncurses
conda activate coverm2
conda install coverm

This also doesn't solve the problem.

Later I found Samtools has an issue about this problem.


So, I followed the advice of @jmarshall and set the priority channel using the following command.

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

This solved the problem for me.

wwood commented 1 year ago

Ah, thanks. Ouch. A transient problem which will hopefully be fixed soon by bioconda.

Since you did a great job outlining the problem and solution, I'm closing this. Thanks.

ywbzhang commented 8 months ago

I cannot solve this problem based on the above method. However, I used "conda install -y samtools=1.6 htslib=1.6" to demote samtools and htslib, and the problem was solved perfectly. It is worth noting that this installation process is very long and requires patience.