wwood / CoverM

Read coverage calculator for metagenomics
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Documentation] Example tutorial walkthroughs and test data #192

Open erfanshekarriz opened 6 months ago

erfanshekarriz commented 6 months ago

Hi and hope all is well!

I just wanted to jump in and leave a quick recommendation for documentation.

Specifically that I think CoverM lacks any real-life example walkthroughs with accessible data from reproducibility. I found this to be a problem when trying to run coverm contig on my dataset and running into heaps of errors until finally figuring out (3 whole days later) that my input fasta reference had two duplicate sequences.

I think in this case having a tutorial or walkthrough with a real dataset can give a sanity check to the user that most likely the problem is from their data and not a software bug, which I think would save up lots of your time as well as the users.

Hope this helps!

Best, Erfan