wwood / finishm

genome improvement and finishing without further sequencing effort
MIT License
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No rule to make target finishm #14

Closed ctSkennerton closed 9 years ago

ctSkennerton commented 9 years ago

I'm following the install instructions from the README. I'm up to the following step:

make MAXKMERLENGTH=255 finishm velveth velvetg

and make complains about no target finishm. Is this a typo or is the wrong version of the submodule linked?

wwood commented 9 years ago


Possibly this is due to a requirement for new version of git (velvet submodule is not in master branch). Ace server version too old for instance. Did you get an error when doing git submodule update --init?

$ git submodule update --init
Submodule 'ext/src' (https://github.com/wwood/velvet) registered for path 'ext/src'
Cloning into 'ext/src'...
remote: Counting objects: 3154, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (945/945), done.
remote: Total 3154 (delta 2156), reused 3154 (delta 2156)
Receiving objects: 100% (3154/3154), 19.13 MiB | 3.19 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2156/2156), done.
fatal: reference is not a tree: 5286128908b6c6a79ecc681d82a87b88d5f29610
Unable to checkout '5286128908b6c6a79ecc681d82a87b88d5f29610' in submodule path 'ext/src'
uqbwoodc@gillard:20150117:/tmp/finishm$ cd ext/src

Either way, can fix by being more explicit e.g.

ext/src$ git checkout -b finishm origin/finishm 
Branch finishm set up to track remote branch finishm from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'finishm'
ext/src$ make MAXKMERLENGTH=255 finishm velveth velvetg
mkdir -p obj/shared
gcc -fPIC -Wall -m64 -g -D MAXKMERLENGTH=255 -D CATEGORIES=2 -c src/tightString.c -o obj/shared/tightString.o


ctSkennerton commented 9 years ago

being more explicit seems to have worked

wwood commented 9 years ago

Ta, I've incorporated these instructions into the README.md. Isn't a problem for regular users who would install using gem, of course.