wwwouter / typed-knex

A TypeScript wrapper for Knex.js
MIT License
112 stars 13 forks source link

Join not working properly #25

Closed Meldiron closed 3 years ago

Meldiron commented 3 years ago

Issue type:

[X] Question [X] Bug report [ ] Feature request [ ] Documentation issue

Database system/driver:

[ ] Postgres [ ] MSSQL [X] MySQL [ ] MariaDB [ ] SQLite3 [ ] Oracle [ ] Amazon Redshift

typed-knex version:

[X] latest [ ] @next [ ] 0.x.x (or put your version here)


My definitions:

export class TableStaticPagesLang {
  @Column({ name: 'id', primary: true })
  id: number;
  @Column({ name: 'page_id' })
  pageId: TableStaticPages;
  @Column({ name: 'page_id' })
  pageIdPlain: number;
  @Column({ name: 'lang_id' })
  langId: string;
  @Column({ name: 'slug' })
  slug: string;
  @Column({ name: 'title' })
  title: string;
  @Column({ name: 'text' })
  text: string;

export class TableStaticPages {
  @Column({ name: 'id', primary: true })
  id: number;
  @Column({ name: 'internal_name' })
  internalName: string;

My code:

const staticPages = await SQLManager.typedKnex
      .leftOuterJoinTableOnFunction('lang', TableStaticPagesLang, (join) => {
          (r2) => r2.pageIdPlain,
          (r2) => r2.id
      .select((r) => [r.lang.slug, r.lang.text, r.lang.title])



  error Error: Unknown column 'lang.pageIdPlain' in 'on clause'
  error     at Packet.asError (/Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server/node_modules/mysql2/lib/packets/packet.js:684:17)
  error     at Query.execute (/Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server/node_modules/mysql2/lib/commands/command.js:28:26)
  error     at Connection.handlePacket (/Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server/node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:449:32)
  error     at PacketParser.onPacket (/Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server/node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:72:12)
  error     at PacketParser.executeStart (/Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server/node_modules/mysql2/lib/packet_parser.js:75:16)
  error     at Socket.<anonymous> (/Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server/node_modules/mysql2/lib/connection.js:79:25)
  error     at Socket.emit (events.js:315:20)
  error     at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:483:12)
  error     at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:295:12)
  error     at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:271:9)
  error     at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:212:10)
  error     at TCP.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:186:23) +0ms

Generated query:

select `lang`.`slug` as `lang.slug`, `lang`.`text` as `lang.text`, `lang`.`title` as `lang.title` from `static_pages` left outer join `static_pages_lang` as `lang` on `static_pages`.`id` = `lang`.`pageIdPlain`

What I wanted:

select lang.slug, lang.text, lang.title from static_pages left outer join static_pages_lang on static_pages.id = lang.page_id

I guess everything is correct exccept the pageIdPlain needs to page_id as configured using @Column. Or am I using it incorrectly?

Meldiron commented 3 years ago

It is pretty urgent for me, so I tried to find a solution and I came up with this:

image (terrible solution, I know, keep reading please)

In onWithJoinedColumnOperatorColumn I found that column1Arguments is parsed using getColumnName() but it is not implemented for column2Arguments.

I implemented getColumnName() for column2Arguments but I kept getting errors (it was using wrong table). It uses a function getColumnNameWithoutAlias() which uses getColumnInformation() which required class as argument and it uses this.tableClass.

That means, column1Arguments used this.tableClassand this.tableNamebecuase it was its table. I needed to find a way to run the same function for column2Arguments but with it's tableClass and tableName.

I wrote code that temporarily changes both tableClass and tableName to second table, then runs a function to parse second argument and then change it back to original table class and name.

This solution works but is terrible :D I would love the original developer to implement a cleaner solution because you understand the code the best. Use this just as explanation where the bug comes from.

Meldiron commented 3 years ago

^ Pull request above solves my issue.

wwwouter commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for creating a PR!

The last couple of weeks I've been working on the next version, which switches from lambas to strings. I just wrote a test for your case, and this works with the new code.

Today should be the release of TypeScript 4.1. When that is final, I will release version 3.0

If you want, you can use a beta release (3.0.0-beta.4) in combination with TypeScript 4.1RC for now.

For more info, on how to upgrade to v3 check the readme on the main git page https://github.com/wwwouter/typed-knex

wwwouter commented 3 years ago

TypeScript v4.1 is released and so is typed-knex v3 😄

Meldiron commented 3 years ago

I have installed typescript 4.1 and knex 3 but I got bunch of errors. Also, let me say, in VS Code (editor) I dont see any red lines. Versions:

  "typescript": "^4.1.2"
"@wwwouter/typed-knex": "^3.0.0",

Example of code:

    const staticPagesP = SQLManager.typedKnex
      .leftOuterJoinTableOnFunction('lang', TableStaticPagesLang, (join) => {
          (r) => r.pageIdPlain,
          (r) => r.id
      .select((r) => [r.lang.slug, r.lang.text, r.lang.title])
      .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang)

Example of error:

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:242:26 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableStaticPages, "lang", TableStaticPagesLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.slug" | "lang.title" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.pageIdPlain" | "lang.text" | "lang.pageId.id" | "lang.pageId.internalName", value: string | number): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableStaticPages, "lang", TableStaticPagesLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.slug" | "lang.title" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.pageIdPlain" | "lang.text" | "lang.pageId.id" | "lang.pageId.internalName"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableStaticPages, "lang", TableStaticPagesLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"lang.pageId.internalName"'.

242     const staticPagesP = SQLManager.typedKnex
243       .query(TableStaticPages)
251       .select((r) => [r.lang.slug, r.lang.text, r.lang.title])
252       .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.

Full error after starting server:

> fullstack-server@1.0.0 dev:api2 /Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server
> DEBUG=log,error,success,warn,info,knex:bindings,knex:query ts-node --files src/app.ts src/app.ts

  log Connecting to DB .. +0ms
  log Starting server .. +0ms
Error initializing middleware
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:56:33 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableProducts, "lang", TableProductsLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
      Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' provides no match for the signature '(): string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "isDeprecated" | "isSpecialEdition" | "stock" | "price" | "weight" | "backgroundColor" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | ... 162 more ... | "imageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess", value: string | ... 3 more ... | Date): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableProducts, "lang", TableProductsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "isDeprecated" | "isSpecialEdition" | "stock" | "price" | "weight" | "backgroundColor" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | ... 162 more ... | "imageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableProducts, "lang", TableProductsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"imageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.

 56           const product = await SQLManager.typedKnex
 57             .query(TableProducts)
 73             .where((r) => r.id, p.productId)
 74             .where((r) => r.lang.langId, langId)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:203:27 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableSettingsLang>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "langIdPlain" | "langId.code" | "langId.name" | "settingIdPlain" | "presskitIdPlain" | "contactEmail" | "contactPhone" | "contactAddress" | "contactInfo" | "shopAlertTitle" | ... 453 more ... | "indexBox3ImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess", value: string | ... 3 more ... | Date): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableSettingsLang>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "langIdPlain" | "langId.code" | "langId.name" | "settingIdPlain" | "presskitIdPlain" | "contactEmail" | "contactPhone" | "contactAddress" | "contactInfo" | "shopAlertTitle" | ... 453 more ... | "indexBox3ImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableSettingsLang>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"indexBox3ImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.

203     const settingsLangP = SQLManager.typedKnex
204       .query(TableSettingsLang)
238       ])
239       .where((r) => r.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:242:26 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableStaticPages, "lang", TableStaticPagesLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.slug" | "lang.title" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.pageIdPlain" | "lang.text" | "lang.pageId.id" | "lang.pageId.internalName", value: string | number): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableStaticPages, "lang", TableStaticPagesLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.slug" | "lang.title" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.pageIdPlain" | "lang.text" | "lang.pageId.id" | "lang.pageId.internalName"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableStaticPages, "lang", TableStaticPagesLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"lang.pageId.internalName"'.

242     const staticPagesP = SQLManager.typedKnex
243       .query(TableStaticPages)
251       .select((r) => [r.lang.slug, r.lang.text, r.lang.title])
252       .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:260:18 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableFaq, "lang", TableFaqLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.faqIdPlain" | "lang.question" | "lang.answer" | "lang.faqId.id" | "lang.faqId.internalName", value: string | number): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableFaq, "lang", TableFaqLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.faqIdPlain" | "lang.question" | "lang.answer" | "lang.faqId.id" | "lang.faqId.internalName"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableFaq, "lang", TableFaqLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"lang.faqId.internalName"'.

260     const faqP = SQLManager.typedKnex
261       .query(TableFaq)
269       .select((r) => [r.lang.answer, r.lang.question])
270       .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:273:28 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableAboutSections, "lang", TableAboutSectionsLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | "imageId.storage" | "imageId.filenameDisk" | "imageId.filenameDownload" | ... 302 more ... | "smallImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess", value: string | ... 3 more ... | Date): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableAboutSections, "lang", TableAboutSectionsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | "imageId.storage" | "imageId.filenameDisk" | "imageId.filenameDownload" | ... 302 more ... | "smallImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableAboutSections, "lang", TableAboutSectionsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"smallImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.

273     const aboutSectionsP = SQLManager.typedKnex
274       .query(TableAboutSections)
291       ])
292       .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:295:22 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableReviews, "lang", TableReviewsLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | "imageId.storage" | "imageId.filenameDisk" | "imageId.filenameDownload" | ... 149 more ... | "lang.reviewId.imageId.modifiedBy.lastPage", value: string | ... 3 more ... | Date): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableReviews, "lang", TableReviewsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | "imageId.storage" | "imageId.filenameDisk" | "imageId.filenameDownload" | ... 149 more ... | "lang.reviewId.imageId.modifiedBy.lastPage"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableReviews, "lang", TableReviewsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"lang.reviewId.imageId.modifiedBy.lastPage"'.

295     const reviewsP = SQLManager.typedKnex
296       .query(TableReviews)
305       .select((r) => [r.imageIdPlain, r.lang.name, r.lang.text])
306       .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:309:23 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableProducts, "lang", TableProductsLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "isDeprecated" | "isSpecialEdition" | "stock" | "price" | "weight" | "backgroundColor" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | ... 162 more ... | "imageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess", value: string | ... 3 more ... | Date): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableProducts, "lang", TableProductsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "isDeprecated" | "isSpecialEdition" | "stock" | "price" | "weight" | "backgroundColor" | "imageIdPlain" | "imageId.id" | "imageId.title" | "imageId.description" | ... 162 more ... | "imageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.
      Type '(r: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableProducts, "lang", TableProductsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"imageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.

309     const productsP = SQLManager.typedKnex
310       .query(TableProducts)
334       ])
335       .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.
src/api/services/PublicService.ts:488:38 - error TS2769: No overload matches this call.
  Overload 1 of 4, '(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableAboutSectionsPoints, "lang", TableAboutSectionsPointsLang>>>) => () => string, value: string): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Type 'TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<TableLangs>>' is not assignable to type '() => string'.
  Overload 2 of 4, '(key: "id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.text" | "sectionIdPlain" | "sectionId.id" | "sectionId.internalName" | ... 221 more ... | "sectionId.smallImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess", value: string | ... 3 more ... | Date): ITypedQueryBuilder<...>', gave the following error.
    Argument of type '(r2: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableAboutSectionsPoints, "lang", TableAboutSectionsPointsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to parameter of type '"id" | "internalName" | "lang.id" | "lang.langIdPlain" | "lang.langId.code" | "lang.langId.name" | "lang.text" | "sectionIdPlain" | "sectionId.id" | "sectionId.internalName" | ... 221 more ... | "sectionId.smallImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.
      Type '(r2: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<AddPropertyWithType<TableAboutSectionsPoints, "lang", TableAboutSectionsPointsLang>>>) => TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<...>' is not assignable to type '"sectionId.smallImageId.modifiedBy.role.appAccess"'.

488                 const points = await SQLManager.typedKnex
489                   .query(TableAboutSectionsPoints)
502                   .where((r2) => r2.sectionIdPlain, r.id)
503                   .where((r2) => r2.lang.langId, lang)

    311     <PropertyType>(selectColumnFunction: (c: TransformPropsToFunctionsReturnPropertyType<NonNullableRecursive<SelectableModel>>) => () => PropertyType, value: PropertyType): ITypedQueryBuilder<Model, SelectableModel, Row>;
    The expected type comes from the return type of this signature.

    at createTSError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:500:12)
    at reportTSError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:504:19)
    at getOutput (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:739:36)
    at Object.compile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:955:32)
    at Module.m._compile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1043:43)
    at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.<computed> [as .ts] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1046:12)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1025:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/meldiron/Desktop/ren-sk/Server/src/api/controllers/publicCtrl.ts:6:1)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)
    at Module.m._compile (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1043:23)
    at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
    at Object.require.extensions.<computed> [as .ts] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:1046:12)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! fullstack-server@1.0.0 dev:api2: `DEBUG=log,error,success,warn,info,knex:bindings,knex:query ts-node --files src/app.ts src/app.ts`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the fullstack-server@1.0.0 dev:api2 script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/meldiron/.npm/_logs/2020-11-24T09_27_34_603Z-debug.log
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
Meldiron commented 3 years ago

Nevermind, it was bug in my code. .where((r) => r.lang.langId, lang) should be langIdPlain instead of langId. langId is object refering to different table while langIdPlain is number. Although, it is weird it didnt show the error in VS Code. I though there was some versioning missmatch between Typescript, TS-Node and typedKnex.

Anyway, it works and the original joining problem is resolved. Thanks <3