wxIshiko / wxCharts

A library to create charts in wxWidgets applications
MIT License
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Add Component to wxWidgets Library list #193

Open mtangoo opened 2 years ago

mtangoo commented 2 years ago

The wxWidgets Community intends to track list of maintained wx Libraries. I would like to invite you comment on whether you think your component should be included or not. See: https://forums.wxwidgets.org/viewtopic.php?p=208956

Thanks, Stef, fellow wxWidgetter!

xleclercq commented 2 years ago

Hi there. Thanks for the interest. It is true that I haven't been able to spend as much time as I'd like on this. At the moment I would consider the library to be in a state where it is a good starting point for one's own projects but would require modifications to be production ready. So forking is still pretty much what I'd recommend for anyone wishing to use it.

So looking at the criteria for the list:

I'd say it fails point 1 and 4. I kind of hope that will change in the near future and the more interest there is the more it motivates me to spend some time on it definitely. So I'll keep this list in mind and try to get closer to meet the criteria.

mtangoo commented 2 years ago

Great to hear your comments. Will definitely keep eye on this ticket. Please consider updating it when you can!

asmwarrior commented 2 years ago

I make a codeblocks cbp project file for building your library under codeblocks+msys2. See: https://github.com/asmwarrior/wxCharts

The static library builds OK, and I have create cbp for two samples.

But I have forked from: https://github.com/playgithub/wxCharts I see that playgithub has changed the header file folder names.

xleclercq commented 2 years ago

I don't know why playgithub have changed the location of the header files. From the commits it seems they added CMake makefiles and Conan support. I will add it to my list of things to look at.

I choose the header path to be similar to how someone would include other wxWidgets header but maybe "wx" should be reserved for the official wxWidgets code? I'll need to check what other 3rd party libs are doing.

asmwarrior commented 2 years ago

About the file name structure, I think your original folder is the way we should go.

I just looked at the 3rd libraries listed in this page: Moderated list of useful wxWidgets extensions

Their header name are like: include/wx/xxxx.h.

mtangoo commented 2 years ago

I choose the header path to be similar to how someone would include other wxWidgets header but maybe "wx" should be reserved for the official wxWidgets code? I'll need to check what other 3rd party libs are doing.

I suggest filename change rather than folder structure. Was looking at file, dunno why every file have wxfilename.h or wxfilename.cpp

hving to include just wx/filename sounds great to me than wx/wxfilename.h

xleclercq commented 2 years ago

I choose the header path to be similar to how someone would include other wxWidgets header but maybe "wx" should be reserved for the official wxWidgets code? I'll need to check what other 3rd party libs are doing.

I suggest filename change rather than folder structure. Was looking at file, dunno why every file have wxfilename.h or wxfilename.cpp

hving to include just wx/filename sounds great to me than wx/wxfilename.h

Looking at the wxWidgets code itself it's indeed closer to "wx/filename.h". I will migrate to that convention however it's like to be done over time and not in one go.

asmwarrior commented 1 year ago

I just noticed that playgithub's work in the forke https://github.com/playgithub/wxCharts work has merged, great!