wxMaxima-developers / wxmaxima

A gui for the computer algebra system Maxima built with wxWidgets
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Downloads wrong version and ??command issue #1882

Open nchencinski opened 5 months ago

nchencinski commented 5 months ago

When going to download version 23.12.0 is listed as the latest version. When downloaded I get version 23.05.1 This version has an issue with the ?? command.

(%i3) ??linsolve; 0: fast_linsolve (Functions and Variables for Affine)

1: linsolve (Functions and Variables for Equations)

2: linsolve_params (Functions and Variables for Equations)

3: linsolvewarn (Functions and Variables for Equations)Enter space-separated numbers, all' ornone': 1; (%o3) true

Does not give the information on Linsolve just the status "true"

build_info(version="5.47.0",timestamp="2023-06-02 20:31:42",host="x86_64-w64-mingw32",lisp_name="SBCL",lisp_version="2.3.2",maxima_userdir="C:/Users/nchen/maxima",maxima_tempdir="C:/Users/nchen/AppData/Local/Temp",maxima_objdir="C:/Users/nchen/maxima/binary/5_47_0/sbcl/2_3_2",maxima_frontend="wxMaxima",maxima_frontend_version="23.05.1_MSW")

Thank You Norbert Chencinski

daute commented 5 months ago

Hi Norbert, You downloaded the Windows installer from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/maxima/files/Maxima-Windows/5.47.0-Windows/

5.47.0 is the latest Maxima version (the software, which does the mathematical computations, but it does only provide a small graphical user interface (Xmaxima)). In the Windows-installer several additional (external) components are included, e.g. wxMaxima (and Gnuplot, Lips-compilers, etc.) in the versions, which was available when the installer was build (June 2023) - and that was wxMaxima 23.05.1. Maxima (which does the mathematics) and wxMaxima (which provides a nice graphical user interface for Maxima) are two different projects.

You can download a Windows installer for the most recent wxMaxima release (which contains only wxMaxima (the graphical user interface, you will still need a Maxima installation too) from the wxMaxima website: https://github.com/wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima/releases

Or there are 'nightly builds' - build automatically and completely untested - of the current development version of Maxima and wxMaxima available at my website: https://wolfgang.dautermann.at/maxima/nightlybuild/

Best regards,

Wolfgang (I build the Windows-installers for Maxima and wxMaxima (crosscompiled on Linux))