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Joystick: POV gets "stuck" and stops sending events after first #2505

Closed emersonrp closed 4 months ago

emersonrp commented 4 months ago

wxPython 4.2.1, Windows 10.

Using either of a "real" XBox 360 controller or a Logitech F310, which is a 360 controller clone, when trying to use the D-Pad (which wx identifies as a POV controller on Windows), pushing any direction will fire a single event correctly; from then on, the POV value is stuck at whatever direction was pushed, and no more JoystickEvents fire from the POV / D-Pad.

This can be seen in the wxPython demo, which will correctly show the POV Control pushed in the first direction selected, then not update it until another JoystickEvent is received. After this, the POV control is completely unresponsive.

In my testing, when checking the value of the POV control after it's gotten into this state, it's stuck at the value representing the direction it was pushed. Expectation would be that it would return to 65535, which seems to be the "no direction" value.


emersonrp commented 4 months ago

I have tried a few other controllers and found out this is specific to a couple pieces of hardware so I'm going to close it. Sorry for the spam.