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Call to wx.aui.AuiNotebook() causes segmentation fault in 4.2.1 on ARM Mac with conda's py 3.10 #2526

Open briantoby opened 3 months ago

briantoby commented 3 months ago

OS: MacOS 14.3 on M1 (also seen on a M1 max): wxPython: 4.2.1 from conda-forge (version py310hde93f36_3) Python: 3.10 from conda-forge (version hae75cb6_0_cpython)

Description of the problem:

My code crashes with a SIGSEGV when I run it in wx4.2.1 on an ARM Mac. If I regress to wx4.2.0 (no other package changes), the identical code runs fine. The place where the code crashes is during a call to wx.aui.AuiNotebook(self, style=wx.aui.AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE ^ wx.aui.AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB)

This error can be reproduced by running the AUI_Notebook demo.

Environment creation (click to expand) ```bash conda create -n py310 python=3.10 wxpython=4.2 -y ```
Code Example (click to expand) This command reproduces the crash ```python python wxPython-demo-4.2.1/demo/AUI_Notebook.py ``` Likewise use of ```python python wxPython-demo-4.2.1/demo/demo.py ``` followed by opening "Book Controls" and selecting AUI_notebook also causes python to immediately crash.

Very strangely, in my various attempts playing around with different versions of packages, I somehow had conda install the py310hfa888ef_0 version of wxpython 4.2.1. This works. Also works with the conda-forge py3.11.

Can anyone else reproduce this? Does it happen anywhere else?