wxWidgets / wxWidgets

Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
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WINCE bool wxLaunchDefaultApplication(const wxString& document, int flags) shellExecute not defined #10201

Closed wxtrac closed 15 years ago

wxtrac commented 15 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 10201

component: wxMSW-CE | priority: high | resolution: fixed

2008-11-19 10:39:22: micspi (Michele Spighi) created the issue

::ShellExecute doesn't exist in Windows Mobile Platform. From msdn blog:

I'd think that ShellExecute is simply not available on Windows Mobile (if it existed, its declaration should be in shellapi.h along with ShellExecuteEx but as your quoted error message shows it isn't, also it is not mentioned on MSDN).

If defined WXWINCE we should use ::ShellExecuteEx.

Thanks! Michele

wxtrac commented 15 years ago

2008-11-19 11:07:15: micspi (Michele Spighi) uploaded file utilscmn.cpp.patch (3.1 KiB)


wxtrac commented 15 years ago

2008-11-19 11:08:53: micspi (Michele Spighi) commented

This patch contains also fix for ticket #10190

wxtrac commented 15 years ago

2008-11-21 00:28:28: @vadz changed status from new to closed

2008-11-21 00:28:28: @vadz changed resolution from * to fixed*

2008-11-21 00:28:28: @vadz commented

(In [56876]) use ShellExecuteEx() instead of ShellExecute() which doesn't exist under WinCE (closes #10201)