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ActiveXWrapper_IE.py crashes Python in kernel32.dll #19445

Closed wxtrac closed 2 years ago

wxtrac commented 23 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 80

component: wxPython | priority: normal

2000-11-10 07:58:23: browerdc created the issue

Running ActiveXWrapper_IE.py or ActiveXWrapper_Acrobat.py crashes Python in kernel32.dll with a stack overflow. My system is:

Computer: Compaq Presario 1650 (PII/64MB) OS version: Windows 98 kernel32.dll version: 4.10.1998 Python version: 2.0 wxPython version: 2.2.2 IE version: 5.00.2314.1003 Acrobat reader version: 3.02

This problem occurs whether I start the program from the test framework (demo.py) or directly from the desktop.

wxtrac commented 23 years ago

2000-11-10 18:02:48: @RobinD42 commented

What version of win32all do you have installed?

Here is some more info I have gathered on this problem:

import wxPython.wx import pywin.mfc.activex import win32com.client.gencache module = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule("{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}", 0, 1, 1)


wxtrac commented 23 years ago

2000-12-16 17:11:56: twburton commented

I see the same bug, but I've noticed that there is no crash if you run from within pythonwin

wxtrac commented 22 years ago

2001-05-12 21:52:02: djstray commented

On my Win98 system exhibiting this bug, I have also seen another very suspicious problem: "python makepy.py" crashes in precisely the same fashion. Ugh.

This suggests that the problem is not in wxPython at all, nor even win32ui (used by activexwrapper), but rather win32com. I've filed a bug report at ActiveState to this effect, see http://activepythonbugs.activestate.com/roundup- public.cgi/TESTING7

wxtrac commented 22 years ago

2001-11-26 18:32:21: @RobinD42 commented

This is due to a bug in PythonWin. I expect a fix to show up in the next releases of ActivePython or win32all, but in the meantime there is a win32ui.pyd that I made for Python 2.1 located here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/win32ui.pyd.zip