wxWidgets / wxWidgets

Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
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wxDC.GetTextExtent returns nonsense #21499

Closed wxtrac closed 15 years ago

wxtrac commented 19 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 2134

component: wxPython | priority: normal | resolution: outdated

2005-01-01 00:19:33: rogerb created the issue

When using wx.BufferedPaintDC.GetFullTextExtent, the numbers that come back on the Mac are nonsense (large negative). This could be the wxPython wrapper mussing it up or the underlying wxWidgets - I can't tell which.


wxtrac commented 15 years ago

2008-05-23 03:42:17: @wxtrac changed status from assigned to confirmed

2008-05-23 03:42:17: @wxtrac commented

transitioning old 'assigned' status to new 'confirmed' status

wxtrac commented 15 years ago

2009-01-03 03:15:57: @wxtrac changed status from confirmed to closed

2009-01-03 03:15:57: @wxtrac changed resolution from * to outdated*

2009-01-03 03:15:57: @wxtrac commented

Closing real old wxPython tickets that are likely outdated or unimportant.