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fix compiling include/wx/list.h in MSVC 19.38.33133.0 #24477

Closed wsu-cb closed 1 month ago

wsu-cb commented 1 month ago

Since I assume compiling succeeds in the CI system, I'm surprised to see that this is failing for me in MSVC 19.38.33133.0.

Nevertheless, to compile on my system, I need to make this change. I am not an expert, but, based on C++ 17 standard Clause 17.6.2 small-number 3, I suspect MSVC is correct to report an error here.

(What are those small-numbers called, anyway? Paragraphs?)

vadz commented 1 month ago

You're indeed absolutely correct, the CI build are passing just because they don't use this function :-( I'll add a test for it and merge this soon.
