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wxMac, eraseBackground in Refresh #5035

Closed wxtrac closed 2 years ago

wxtrac commented 23 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5035

component: old wxOSX/Carbon port | priority: normal

2001-05-15 16:24:14: anonymous created the issue

Following changes in src/Mac/window.cpp implement the eraseBackground flag in Refresh. I find this to be absolutely necessary when drawing graphics offscreen, to eliminate flashing. Private boolean variable m_doerase needs to be added to window.h

Diff of this file, done with CVS, is given below and also in attached file. I have a number of other changes for wxMac and will submit if there is response to this one. If I am doing something wrong, please tell me how to submit patches correctly.

diff -1.30 window.cpp 119a120,122

  m_doerase = TRUE;

904a908,910 //dowty if( !eraseBack ) m_doerase = FALSE; else m_doerase = TRUE; 1834c1840,1852 < if ( GetParent() && m_backgroundColour != GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour() )

      SetClip( updatergn ) ;
       if( m_doerase ) {
            if ( eraseBackground )
                 EraseRgn( updatergn ) ;    
        else m_doerase = TRUE;

       //  pre-dowty           
 if ( GetParent() && m_backgroundColour != GetParent()->GetBackgroundColour() )

1842a1861 */

-**CVS exited normally with code 0***

wxtrac commented 23 years ago

2001-05-15 16:24:14: nobody uploaded file difwindow.txt (0.8 KiB)

wxtrac commented 23 years ago

2001-05-15 16:30:02: anonymous commented

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You asked if there is anything "wrong" with submitting patches as you have, and though it is technically not wrong, it is a problem.

We need to know who you are, and what your e-mail is to be able to respond to you. Please always include this info with every bug/patch you post.
